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Age Effects and Ultimate Attainment in Second Language Acquisition

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
10페이지/ MS 워드
가격 5,900원 할인쿠폰받기


SLA 수업의 페이퍼임.
나이가 제2 언어습득에 영향을 미치는지에 대해 몇가지 중요한 이론들을 검토 하였으며; Age of Arrival & Critical Period Hypothesis, 음운론, 형태통사론의 관점에서 분석된 실제 데이터 Fledge 1999 를 인용함.
결론은 나이는 제2언어 습득에 절대적인 영향을 미치는 것은 아니다라는 것임.
그러나 발음의 경우 나이요소 (이민자의 경우 영어권 국가에 도착한 나이)가 상당한 영향을 미치는 것은 부정할 수 없다.


1. Native-likeness in Second Language Acquisition
2. Critical Period and Second Language Acquisition
3. Age of Arrival
4. Correlation between L2 learners’ Linguistic Proficiency and AoA
5. Findings
6. Conclusion


1. Native-likeness in Second Language Acquisition
It is commonly believed that late L2 learners are unlikely to reach the native-like language proficiency compared to younger immigrants who started second language acquisition at a very early age. This age effect in second language acquisition is described as a concept of maturation in a biological aspect (Komar, 2010). Granena & Long (2012) define age effects as “a function of biologically-based maturational constraints, including one or more critical or sensitive periods.” Gass et al (2013) discuss the age issue that late learners do not successfully achieve native-like pronunciation and mastery of syntax. Komar (2010) asserts that late L2 learners may demonstrate their native-likeness in certain tasks whereas they will be unlikely to succeed in an entire range of linguistic assessments.
In many studies (e.g., Birdsong, 2006; Flege et al, 1999; Granena & Long, 2012), the age effects are discussed as a major issue whether it is able to determine L2 learners’ ultimate attainment.

참고 자료

Birdsong, D. 2006. Age and Second language Acquisition and Processing: A Selective Overview. Language Learning 56, 9-49.
Flege, E. J. 1999. Age Constraints on Second-Language Acquisition. Journal of Memory and Language 41, 78-104.
Gass, M. S., Behney, J & Plonsky, L. 2013. Second Language Acquisition An Introductory Course. Routledge.
Granena, G. & Long, M. L. 2012. Age of onset, length of residence, language aptitude, and ultimate L2 attainment in three linguistic domains. Second Language Research 29(3) 311-343.
Komar, P. 2010. Age affects in L2 acquisition: ultimate attainment at the syntax-morphology interface. The University of Edinburgh.
Marinova-Todd, S. H. 2003. Comprehensive Analysis of Ultimate Attainment in Adult Second Language Acquisition. Doctoral dissertation, Harvard University.
White, L and Genesee, F. 1996. How native is near-native? The issue of ultimate attainment in adult second language acquisition. Second Language Research 12,3, 233-265.
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Age Effects and Ultimate Attainment in Second Language Acquisition
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