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최초 등록일
최종 저작일
24페이지/ MS 파워포인트
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Part 1 : Founders
1. The creative and innovative ideas that made Dick & Mac McDonald successful.
2. The limitations that Dick & Mac McDonald and the decision to sell their business to Ray Kroc.
3. Ray Kroc’s childhood experiences that shaped his personality.
4. The Personality and leadership style of Ray Kroc that made him successful.
5. The values and mission of Ray Kroc. (QSC&V)

Part 2 : Management
6. How did Ray Kroc manage the company to become the most successful fast food restaurant in the USA.
7. How did Ray Kroc make it successful around the world?
8. What are Mcdonald’s main strengths and competitive advantage?

Part 3 : Products and services
9. What are innovative products that Mcdonald’s created?
10. How do Mcdonald’s balance between simplified menu and introduction of new items
11. How did Mcdonald’s localize and introduce new products in different countries?



1. The creative and innovative ideas that made Dick & Mac McDonald successful.
They produced a limited menu, concentrating on just a few items—burgers, fries and beverages—which allowed them to focus on quality and quick service

2. The limitations that Dick & Mac McDonald and the decision to sell their business to Ray Kroc.
In 1954, a salesman named Ray Kroc visited the McDonalds in San Bernardino. Kroc sold Multimixers, machines that mixed five milkshakes at a time. He was amazed to hear that the McDonalds ran eight Multimixers at once
Kroc and the McDonalds became partners in a franchise business. Kroc would find franchisees, or people willing to pay to use the McDonald's name and its methods. The franchisees bought a license to run a restaurant for twenty years, then the partners could take over if they chose. The franchisees also paid a percentage of their restaurants' total sales to Kroc and the McDonalds.

참고 자료

맥도날드 홈페이지
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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