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생물실험 호주12학년 A+ 받은 실험레포트 The effect of salinity of mungbean growth

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이번년도 호주 12학년 생물실험 (자유주제) 로 에이플러스 받은 실험레포트입니다.
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그래프는 물론 사진까지 들어있습니다.
주제는 The effect of salinity of the mung bean growth입니다.


1. Research Question
2. Introduction
3. Hypothesis
4. Materials
5. Methods
6. Results
7. Discussion
8. Evaluation
9. Conclusion
10. Appendices
11. References


High salinity is a common abiotic stress factor that seriously affects crop production in some parts of the world, particularly in arid and semi-arid regions [1]. Germination is one of the most critical periods for a crop subjected to salinity. Salt stress has been sown to decrease the germination percentage and germination rate of some crops. Salt and osmotic stresses are responsible for both inhibition or delated seed germination and seedling establishment [2]. Seed germination, seedling emergence and early survival are particularly sensitive to substrate salinity. Salt stress affects germination percentage, germination rate and seedling growth in different ways depending on species [3]. Germination and seedling growth are reduced in saline soil with varying responses for species and cultivars [4]. Against these stresses, plants adapt themselves by different mechanisms including changes in morphological and developmental patterns as well as physiological and biochemical responses.

참고 자료

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Yildirim, E., Dursin, A., Guvemc, I. and Kumlay, A. (2002) The Effects of Different Salt, Biostimulant and Temperature Levels on Seed Germination of Some Vegetable Species, Acta Agrobotanica, Page 76-78 (Viewed 11/03/2016) http://dx.doi.org/10.5586/aa.2002.045
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Hoehamer, C.F., Mazur, C.S. and Wolfe, N.L. (2005) Purification and Partial Characterization of an Acid Phosphatase from Spirodela oligorrhiza and Its Affinity for Selected Organophosphate Pesticides. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Page 90-97. (Viewed 05/03/2016) http://dx.doi.org/10.1021.jf040329u
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Mostafavi, K. (2011) An Evaluation of Safflower Genotypes Carthamus tinctorius L. Seed Germination and Seedling Characters in Salt Stress Conditions. African Journal of Agricultural Research, Page 1665-1675. (Viewed 13/03/2016)
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생물실험 호주12학년 A+ 받은 실험레포트 The effect of salinity of mungbean growth
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