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아스페르길루스증 조사자료, Aspergillus (Allergic Brochopulmonary Aspergillus)

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Aspergillus was first catalogued in 1729 by an Italian priest and biologist Pietro Antonio Micheli. Viewing the fungi under a microscope, Micheli thought of the shape of an aspergillum (holy water sprinkler), and named the genus accordingly [1].
The genus Aspergillus is extraordinary as exemplified by the diversity of its disease manifestations, almost all termed “aspergillosis’. All forms of aspergillosis are sapronoses, which are transmissible from abiotic environments, and not communicable from person to person, or zoonoses. The spectrum of aspergillosis can be broadly divided into four categories:
- Invasive life-threatening infection in immunocompromised patients;
- Subacute or chronic infection in patients with pre-existing pulmonary or sinus disease and probably some subtle defect in innate immunity;
- Allergic or eosinophilic disease which is manifest in many forms including allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, eosinophilic rhinosinusitis and extrinsic allergic alveolitis;

참고 자료

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