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새마을운동의 지역사회 발전에 관한 영향, 배경 및 노력 (The Saemaeul, New Community Movement on Community & Economic Development )

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
9페이지/ MS 워드
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Illinois Institute of Technology 에서 Social Science 과목으로 수강한 Community & Economic Development를 기반으로 영문작성한 새마을운동에 관한 Research Paper입니다. 전부 제가 직접 작성하였고 총 8 페이지에 References도 포함되어 있습니다. Final Paper로 A (94점) 받았습니다.
주요 내용으론 새마을운동의 성공사례와 영향, 배경, 지역주민들의 물리적/정신적 노력 등의 지역사회 발전.
추가적으로, Green, Gary 의 책, Asset Building & Community Development의 내용; Agyeman, Julian의 책, Introducing Just Sustainabilities의 내용과 Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiatives의 사례들을 보충하여 분석한 research paper입니다.




The Saemaeul Movement is successful community development project of Korea, it was a political initiative launched on April 22, 1970 by President. Park Chung-hee. The background of 1960s, Korea was way much underdeveloped country than other countries that had to focus on the development to modernize the country. For quick pace of economic development was focusing more on the urban society than local society that disparity of income became huge between urban and local societies. So there were equity deficits on local environment and no sustainability. Thus, President invested on research of agricultural program to reduce the gap between rural and urban that agricultural specialist, Ryu Tae-young, projected the Saemaeul Movement. To make community sustainable, there should be satisfied with 3Es, which are Economic, Environment, and Equity. Most local communities only focused agriculture and no other opportunities that economies were way behind than urban. And local communities had worse environment that most houses were grass-roofed house, no good laundering places, and sewerage systems. Thus, local communities had to go through inequality. 3Es should be balanced and solving problems on sustainability of local is relevant at local level. Because local level is where people live and interact

참고 자료

Agyeman, Julian. Introducing Just Sustainabilities: Policy, Planning, and Practice. , 2013. Print.
Chung-ro, Yoon. The Saemaeul Movement after the Saemaeul Movement in the 1970s : Focusing on the Movement in the 1980s. , 2013. Print.
Haines, Anna. Asset Building & Community Development 3rd Edition. , 2012. Print
Hess, David. Localist Movement in a Global Economy: Sustainability, Justice, and Urban Development in the United States. , 2009. Print
Seok-ju, Cho. The Saemaeul Movement: research on specific roles of women. , 2014. Print.
Wilkinson, Richard. How economic inequality harms societies. , < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZ7LzE3u7Bw>
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새마을운동의 지역사회 발전에 관한 영향, 배경 및 노력  (The Saemaeul, New Community Movement  on Community &amp; Economic Development )
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