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General Chemistry, Principles and Modern Applications; Lab Reports (화학 실험보고서 10부)(Total 10)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
1페이지/ 압축파일
가격 15,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Illinois Institute of Technology에서 수강한 Principles of Chemistry Laboratory의 lab reports 입니다.
챕터별로 분류되어 있고 총 10번의 실험들에 대한 10개의 보고서들입니다. A 및 최소 B이상을 받았고 , 1장의 분량의 전반적인 실험내용을 간략하게 Objective, Procedute, Specialized techniques, Final Result, Conclusion 을 포함하고있습니다. 총 10개의 보고서들입니다.


1. Measurements and Density
2. Parer Chromatography
3. Determination of Avogadro’s Number
4. Atomic Fingerprints
5. Molecular Geometries of Covalent Molecules: Lewis Structures and the VESPR Model
6. Activity Series
7. Percentage of Acetic acid in Vinegar
8. Some Commercial Antacids
9. Analysis of an aluminum-zinc alloy
10. Heat of Neutralization


Determination of Avogadro’s Number

The purpose of this experiment was to determine Avogadro’s number by using the volume of one hexane atom and the volume of one mole of hexane.

The hexane was dropped in a graduated cylinder by using a dropper. The number of drops needed to fill one milliliter was counted. To find the milliliter per drop from the data, the number of milliliter were divided by the drops. And then, the diameter of water glass was measured and water glass was filled with distilled water. Stearic acid was dropped onto the distilled water’s surface and counted the drops until a visible layer was formed. With the data, the Avogadro’s number was estimated.

Specialized Chemical Techniques:
Formation of a monolayer of stearic acid on water surface was performed in this experiment.

Final Result:
The estimation of Avogadro’s number based on the experiment was 4.9×1023

참고 자료


압축파일 내 파일목록

1/Chem-L03 lab report-1.docx
1/Chem-L03 lab report-1.hwp
1/chem graph.xlsx
10/Chem-L03 lab report-10.hwp
2/Chem graph2.xlsx
2/Chem lab 2.docx
2/Chem-L03 lab report-2.hwp
3/Chem-L03 lab report-3.hwp
4/Chem-L03 lab report-4.hwp
5/Chem-L03 lab report-5.hwp
6/Chem-L03 lab report-6.hwp
7/Chem-L03 lab report-7.hwp
8/Chem-L03 lab report-8.hwp
9/Chem-L03 lab report-9.hwp
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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탑툰 이벤트
General Chemistry, Principles and Modern Applications; Lab Reports (화학 실험보고서 10부)(Total 10)
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