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이슬람 종파주의의 확장과 이란-사우디아라비아 대립 구도에 관한 에세이 (영문)

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최종 저작일
12페이지/ MS 워드
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2010년 중동에 찾아왔던 '아랍의 봄'은 어느새 겨울로 변했다. 중동 각지에서 ISIS등 극단주의 세력이 세력을 넓히고 있고, 시리아 사태는 좀처럼 나아질 것 처럼 보이지 않는다. 특히나 이라크와 시리아에서 진행중인 내전과 중동의 패권을 두고 갈등하는 이란과 사우디아라비아의 관계 등은 종종 수니-시아간 종파 갈등으로 해석되곤 하는데, 이 에세이는 이러한 종파주의의 기원은 어떤 것이며 지금 일어나고 있는 현상들과 어떤 관계가 있는지 조사하고 있다.


1. Introduction
2. Origin of Sectarianism
3. New Wave of Religious Sectarianism
4. Saudi Arabia-Iran Rivalry and Sectarianism
5. Conclusions


In early 2010s, optimistic expectations of the Arab uprising overflowed and the uprising resulted in removals of Authoritarian regimes in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, and Libya. Also the uprising led the induction of democratic progresses in many countries. However, now the Arab spring became a harsh winter. Only Tunisia achieved democratisation whereas Bahraini and Syrian uprisings in 2011 degenerated into sectarian conflict and caused massive destruction and casualties. Iraq is also suffering with the civil war triggered by the growth of the Sunni insurgency against Shia-dominated government. And the Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) is raging across Iraq and Syria. At the same time, the rivalry between Saudi Arabia and Iran were aggravated because of sectarian dispute. The recent execution of the prominent Shia religious leader Nimr al-Nimr was resulted in a serious diplomatic rupture between two countries (Al Jazeera 2016).

Geneive Abdo (2013) called such recent religious tensions between Sunni and Shia after the Arab uprising as the ‘new sectarianism’.

참고 자료

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http://pomeps.org/2014/03/19/seeking-to-explain-the-rise-of-sectarianism-in-the-middle-east-the-case-study-of-iraq/ Accessed 29th December 2015.
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http://www.understandingwar.org/report/sectarian-and-regional-conflict-middle-east Accessed 23rd December 2015.
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