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Nationalist Shift in Modern East Asia

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전근대 동아시아의 국제체제(조공책봉체제)가 서구 주권국가 체제로의 전환, 편입하는 과정에서 민족주의, 민족자결주의 개념의 도입이 수행한 역할을 분석한 보고서입니다.


I. Introduction

II. Theory and Definitions
1. International systems and international society
2. Nationalism

III. History of East Asian International Society
1. Birth of imperial order
2. Rise of nationalism

IV. Conclusion



I. Introduction
Nationalism used to be deemed no more relevant during the Cold War, but the War is long gone, and nationalism, or national identity in a broader sense, returned as a significant determinant of foreign, as well as other, policies. A few years after the end of Cold War, based on theoretical basis of William Bloom (1990), Ilya Prizel (1998) illustrated the importance of nationalism and national identity in East-Central European countries. Not only that, it is a commonsense that the regional order in East Asia is ‘still’ influenced by nationalisms in each country. What is more, the leaders in East Asia, that is President Park of Korea, Prime Minister Abe of Japan, General Secretary Xi of China, dictator Kim of North Korea, are stubborn nationalist.
Given such circumstances, to properly understand the current situation and to foresee and prepare for the future of the region, it is of crucial importance to understand East Asian international order first.

참고 자료

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