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제가 미국에 있을 때 2학기분 영작문 1,2위 한 자료 입니다.
많이 퍼가시고 좋은 학점 받으셈.




In order for someone to come up with their own personal philosophy they must be absolutely certain of what they believe. It is true that people’s philosophies change with time, experience and circumstances. Nevertheless, what a person believes to be true, he or she must not doubt. In discovering your own philosophy all you are really doing is deciding what exactly it is that you are certain of. when you begin to ask questions to figure out what you believe in and what you do not believe in, that is when your journey to create your philosophy begins
In conclusion, my philosophy is rather simple; I need God, depend on my family, and simplify things in order to keep me happy. I believe that God is the creator of all things, and He knows everything.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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해피캠퍼스는 구매자와 판매자 모두가 만족하는 서비스가 되도록 노력하고 있으며, 아래의 4가지 자료환불 조건을 꼭 확인해주시기 바랍니다.

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