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원강 영문 레포트 자

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a+받은 자료이구요. 예시는 한국에서 있었던 일을 많이 찾아 영문 번역했습니다.(완벽하지는 않아요)
사회과학 원강이나, 영문수업들으시며 정의나 예시 찾는 분들한테 좋은 자료입니다.


1.Explain four policy typologies that theodore Lowi mentioned. In explaining each typologies, take one or two examples. (p3 ~ p7)
2. Describe main themes of major models of politics, explaing the applicability of each model(use a real-world model) (p7 ~ p14)
3. Describe main themes(ideas) of John Kingdon's article entitled "Agendas, Alternatives, and Public Policies." (p15 ~ p17)
4. Discuss main points of Lipsky's article entitled "Street-level Bureaucrats as Policy Makers." (p18 ~ p19)


1. Highways(SOC): Government built it by using our tax money. All classes of citizens are free to use it. like highways, Many SOC(Social Overhead Capital) Progect is proceeding every country and we use these roads, harbor, railway, hospitals, and Public schools(Kids from every class are accepted by public schools.)
But these are the narrow sense, The terms “economic overhead facilities” and “economic infrastructure” are frequently used as synonyms for SOC. The services supplied by such facilities are called “basic” to industrial activity because their use is generally required for production independently of the nature of the output of the industry. SOC may be contrasted with “directly productive capital.” The latter term refers to physical capital in the form of plant and equipment designed to produce a given product.

참고 자료

Handbook of Public Policy Analysis: Theory, Politics, and Methods
Public Administration: An Action Orientation
Wikipedia - New deal project
Congress and Defense Spending: The Distributive Politics of Military Procurement
21st Century Issues in America: An Introduction to Public Administration
The politics of economic and human resource development
The Public Policy Process
(공)저: Michael Hill,Frederic Varone
image : from the naver image(process model)
Image : from the google(Two party system)

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