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Lack of Professionalization of Interpreters in Korean Society

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
9페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Korea University - Macquirie University (KU-MU) 통번역대학원 Introduction to Translation and Interpreting (Helen Slatyer 교수님) 수업 레포트입니다. 통역/번역학 이론 나눠서 진행했는데 이 레포트는 통역이론 쪽 수업 레포트였고 참고 문헌 리스트 읽어보고 2000 words 분량 자유주제로 작성하는 과제였습니다. 저는 Lack of Professionalization of Interpreters in Korean Society라는 주제를 잡았습니다. 참고문헌 리스트는 아래 첨부하겠습니다. 학점은 HD (호주대학기준 A) 받았습니다.


Ⅰ. Background and Purpose of the Research
Ⅱ. Reasons for Lack of Professionalization of Interpreters
Ⅲ. Solutions to Accelerate Professionalization of Interpreters in Korean Society
Ⅳ. Conclusion


Before entering the Korea University-Macquarie University translation and interpreting program, I had never learned how to interpret, but I performed as an interpreter for foreign correspondents in Korea and foreign patients visiting a mega hospital in Korea.
I loved my role as an interpreter and I knew that I have to go to a graduate school of translation and interpreting to become a professional interpreter.
However, I hesitated for a long time to make the decision to go to a graduate school because I was not sure if interpreters are regarded as professionals enough in Korean society.
It is true that many people think that anyone with a certain fluency in English can interpret like I did.
Notwithstanding that most professional interpreters study hard for two full years in graduate schools and keep studying after graduation as well, I feel that interpreters’ professional status is underestimated in Korean society, except for few conference interpreters.
Therefore, I sense the lack of professionalization of interpreters in the social level.

참고 자료

Pöchhacker, F. (2004). Introducing Interpreting Studies. Chapter 1~4. London: Routledge.
Liu, M. (2009). How do experts interpret? Implications from research in Interpreting Studies and cognitive science. Efforts and Models in Interpreting and Translation Research A Tribute to Daniel Gile Benjamins Translation Library, 159-177. doi:10.1075/btl.80.14liu
González, M. A. (2012). The language of consecutive interpreters’ notes: Differences across levels of expertise. INTP Interpreting International Journal of Research and Practice in Interpreting,14(1), 55-72. doi:10.1075/intp.14.1.03abu
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Lack of Professionalization of Interpreters in Korean Society
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