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논문 재검토 (영문) - 기업 변화 관련 논문 (영문)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
8페이지/ MS 워드
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영국 대학 리포트 (영문)
기업변화에 관한 영어 논문 5개 재검토한 논문.
비판적 평가 등.


1. ARTICLE 1: A Meta model of change
2. ARTICLE 2: Strategic management and organization development: Planned change in a public sector organization
3. ARTICLE 3 :Organizational change in the National Health Service: lessons from staff
4. ARTICLE 4: Learning organizations and organization learning: What have we learned?
5. ARTICLE 5 :Managing successful organizational change in the public sector


Article #1: A Meta model of change
Changes of learning and emerging are included in this article as well. Change of learning can be in individual, social, furthermore in an intermittent degree. A sense of understanding and obligation can be developed over learning process. Change of emerging can be in helping others, way of thinking, and reengineering organisations. This type of change is volatile. The advantage of considering both change models based on organisational and individual is that models convey an alternate point of view respectively to the stages of the mutual which underlie change progressions.
From reviewer’s perspective, the change process is inevitable as time flows due to technology advance and fast growing economy in current century. Despite the fact that references are deep-rooted it can still be considered as useful material for development of change or process of change.

참고 자료

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