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(영문) 과시적 소비에 관한 두가지 이론의 비판적 리뷰 (Critical review of two theories regarding conspicuous consumption)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
13페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


영국 대학 리포트 (영문)
과시적 소비에 관한 두가지 이론의 비판적 리뷰 (인간의 5대욕구 이론과 고전적 조건 형성 이론)


1. Introduction
2. Motivation : Maslow’s hierarchy needs Theory
3. Learning : Classical conditioning Theory
4. Conclusion
5. Reference
6. Appendix


Executive Summary
This report was commissioned to review two theories critically which can clarify aspects of consumer behaviour. Designated theories in this report are Maslow’s hierarchy needs theory and classical conditioning theory. The report discuss about conspicuous consumption and its effect. The report is to understand and establish a relation between psychology and behaviour of consumers by collecting information from the target segment aged 18 to 30, generation X and Y. The report draws attention to critical evaluation of two theories and utilised real examples of how the theory might impact on different types of organisations were included to illustrate the points. The report identifies that two designated theories are beneficial to gain insights of leisure behaviour and thus contribute in campaign reducing conspicuous consumption. Moreover it recommends Maslow’s hierarchy needs theory as practical method and classical conditioning theory as research method.

참고 자료

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(영문) 과시적 소비에 관한 두가지 이론의 비판적 리뷰 (Critical review of two theories regarding conspicuous consumption)
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