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개인 성과제 연봉의 장단점, 개인 성과제 연봉이 병원에 도입하는 것이 적당한가? (영문 - Individual performance related pay in hospital industry)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
12페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


영국 대학 리포트 (영문)
개인 성과제 연봉의 장단점과 성과제 연봉이 병원 같은 공공기관에 도입되는 것이 옳은지?


1. Executive Summary
2. Introduction
3. Advantages of Individual Performance Related Pay
4. Disadvantage of IPRP and barriers of implementation
5. Suitability of Individual Performance Related Pay in Hospital industry
6. Alternative approaches and recommendations
7. References


Executive Summary
This report is assigned to critically evaluate Individual Performance Related Pay (IPRP) and its suitability on the Hospital industry particularly in Wellton National Health Service (NHS) hospital. Moreover, the report also looked into barriers of implementation and its effectiveness. There are four different sections in the report. The first section discusses about advantages of IPRP, second section discuss about the disadvantages and barriers of implementation, third section evaluate whether IPRP is suitable in hospital industry particularly in Wellton hospital. Last section contains alternative approaches and recommendations for Wellton NHS hospital.
The report observed that there are many advantages of IPRP and it can motivate employees by establishing the relation between reward and performance. Thus, employees will try to perform better in order to get rewards. However, IPRP also can demotivate workers which is very crucial to hospital industry.

참고 자료

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