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미국 시인 Carl Sandburg에 관한 Research Paper (영어 에세이, 영문 에세이, 고전문학, 영어 과제, english essay, 영어 독후감)

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교수님께 Revise까지 다 받은 직접 작성한 Carl Sandburg에 관한 Research Paper입니다.
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American poet and biographer Carl Sandburg explained himself in the preface to his Complete Poems: “there was puzzlement,” he said, “as to whether I was a poet, a biographer, a wandering troubadour with a guitar, a Midwest Hans Christian Anderson, or a historian of current events.” He was seventy two in 1950 and still studying verbs and the mystery of how they connect nouns. He said, “I have forgotten the meaning of twenty or thirty of my poems written thirty or forty years ago. I still favor several simple poems published long ago which continues to have an appeal for simple people.” (Niven) Carl Sandburg was the son of Swedish immigrants August and Clara Mathilda Anderson Sandburg who was born as the second of seven children in 6, Jan. 1878 and raised in Galesburg, Illinois. (Niven) His parents were hardworking Swedish immigrants who had met when August Sandburg was working on the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad in Galesburg and Clara Mathilda Anderson

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미국 시인 Carl Sandburg에 관한 Research Paper (영어 에세이, 영문 에세이, 고전문학, 영어 과제, english essay, 영어 독후감)
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