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gastritis 위염 케이스 스터디 사례연구

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
20페이지/ 한컴오피스
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


1. The reason why I chose this case
2. Pathophysiology
3. History Taking
4. Case summary
5. Diagnostic test results
6. Medication
7. Nursing care plan
8. The things I learned and felt with this case
9. Reference


1. The reason why I chose this case
: The only impressive case is this one and I did my case about thyroid cancer last time. So I wonder what is different surgery, dianosis and nursing care depend on location of cancer with throid cancer and what will be happened with surgery in blood test such as CBC. Because It was so impressive for me that calcium value was changed after throidectomy.

2. Gastric(Stomach) cancer Pathophysiology
Gastric(Stomach) cancer
Stomach cancer ,also called gastric cancer, is a cancer that starts when cells in the stomach begin to grow out of control.

<그 림>

Main symptoms
– Poor appetite.
– Weight loss (without trying)
– Abdominal (belly) pain.
– Discomfort in the abdomen
– A sense of fullness after eating a small meal.
– Heartburn or indigestion.
– Nausea/Vomiting, with or without blood

Diagnostic test
* Gastric endoscopy
A procedure in which a thin scope with a light and camera at its tip is used to look inside the upper digestive tract -- the esophagus, stomach, and first part of the small intestine.

참고 자료

Seoul national university hospital
samsung hosptial web site
Bundang Cha hospital web site
Joyce M. Black, Jane Hokanson Hawks(2009). Medical-Surgial Nursing. Saunders.
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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