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아동간호학 A+ 신생아 중환자실 실습 nicu case study TTN(Transient tachypnea of the newborn) 간호과정 사례보고서 (영어)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
18페이지/ 한컴오피스
가격 3,500원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 한글 2005 이상 버전에서 작성된 문서입니다. 한글 2002 이하 프로그램에서는 열어볼 수 없으니, 한글 뷰어프로그램(한글 2005 이상)을 설치하신 후 확인해주시기 바랍니다.




Before birth, Fetal lungs are filled with fluid(amniotic fluid). While in the mother's womb, Fetus does not use the lungs. Becasue oxygen is also due to receive from mother.
Depending on the due date nears, The lungs of the fetus begins to empty the waste water.

Transient tachypnea of the newborn (TTN) occurs turned the absorption and clearance in the alveoli at birth was later than normal.
This makes it difficult to properly inhale the oxygen causes the newborn. Therefore, the newborn is to breathe more rapidly and inhale enough oxygen.

TTN can occur in such as
-Cesarean section birth babies,
-excessive sedation due to anesthesia during delivery,
-Breech birth(rear first),
-Low Birth Weight babies
-diabetic mothers.

In the case of vaginal delivery, the pressure of passes through the vagina and hormonal changes give a squeeze lung fluid. But, Cesarean section birth babies do not experience.
So, They tend to have more lung fluid than normal newborns.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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아동간호학 A+ 신생아 중환자실 실습 nicu case study TTN(Transient tachypnea of the newborn) 간호과정 사례보고서 (영어)
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