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(A+) Artificial intelligence 's examples, impacts on business and my opinion

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
7페이지/ 한컴오피스
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


인공지능에 대한 전반적인 설명, 예시(알파고 뿐만 아니라 여러가지 예시 포함) 그리고 인공지능이 경영에 어떤 영향을 미치는지에 대해서 서술하였고 그에대한 저의 의견을 제시한 레포트 입니다.
A+를 받은 레포트이며 참고 문헌 모두 Citation 기계를 이용해 달아놓았습니다.
제가 직접 쓴 레포트이며 비싼 가격이라 생각하실 수도 있지만 그만큼 질을 보장합니다.
영어 레포트이기 때문에 이점 유의하시기 바랍니다.


1. Keywords
2. Abstract
3. Introduction
4. Literature Review
5. How AI impacts on our business?
6. Conclusions
7. Reference


Key words: artificial intelligence, job market in the future, advantage and disadvantage of AI’s technology.

Abstract: This report is about the artificial intelligence. There are both many advantages and disadvantages at the same time. In short, artificial intelligence technology is like a double-edged sword. The one of the advantage is that it can reduce the labor costs of corporations and improve the quality of products and service. And it can also do dangerous working instead of human. Also, the new jobs can appear because of AI's development. But one of the disadvantage is that it can lead to reduction of job market. Then we can be dominated by AI in various way. So we need regulations about it. And we should adapt to AI's era and remind the ethical obligations.

Is it possible that the machines made by humans could win humans? My answer to this paradox question is "yes!" . A few months ago, A number of people focused on the artificial intelligence because of the match of the professional Go player Lee Se-Dol versus Alphago.

참고 자료

Han, Ji hoon. (2016, March 21). 인간보다 똑똑한 로봇…위협일까 축복일까. Retrieved June 3, 2016, from http://www.yonhapnews.co.kr/bulletin/2016/05/20/0200000000AKR20160520174400017.HTML?input=1195m
Lee, jae koo. (2016, March 15). IBM슈퍼컴 기반 AI ‘로스’, 세계 최초 변호사 됐다. Retrieved June 3, 2016, from http://www.g-enews.com/ko-kr/news/article/news_all/201605151323154984497_1/article.html
Monegain, B. (2016, June 3). IBM Watson to match cancer patients with clinical trials. Retrieved June 4, 2016, from http://www.healthcarefinancenews.com/news/ibm-watson-match-cancer-patients-clinical-trials
Maderer, J. (2016, May 9). Artificial Intelligence Course Creates AI Teaching Assistant. Retrieved June 4, 2016, from http://www.news.gatech.edu/2016/05/09/artificial-intelligence-course-creates-ai-teaching-assistant
JihoonPark. (2016, May 2). AI시대 유망한 직업과 새로 태어날 일자리는? Retrieved June 4, 2016, from http://news.mk.co.kr/newsRead.php?no=317372&year=2016
Lee, jae eun. (2016, June 2). 구글 예술 창작 인공지능 선보여…80초 길이 피아노곡 발표. Retrieved June 4, 2016, from http://news.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2016/06/02/2016060201362.html
이세돌 알파고 대결로 본 인공지능(AI) 시스템! 생활 속 인공지능은? (2016, March 9). Retrieved June 8, 2016, from http://tongblog.sdm.go.kr/3915
Jin, dal lae. (2016, March 13). '슈퍼 AI' 등장…"똑똑한 AI보다 바람직한 AI 만들자" Retrieved June 4, 2016, from http://www.mt.co.kr/view/mtview.php?type=1&no=2016031116165835747&outlink=1
Kwon, yong min. (2016, May 12). "AI 산업서도 빈부격차 나타날 것" Retrieved June 4, 2016, from http://www.sedaily.com/NewsView/1KWAA6ZBD4
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(A+) Artificial intelligence 's examples, impacts on business and my opinion
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