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The Causes of Decreasing Birthrate in South Korea

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
5페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기




“A child is healthy future of you and South Korea” (Kobaco). It is a public service announcement which was made in 2009 to encourage people to have many babies. Compared to the one in 1987 which advertised that people should have one baby only (Kobaco), it seems there have been many changes in the society of South Korea for about twenty years. People usually call, “Aging Society” if the population of people aged sixty-five or older accounts for more than seven percent of the total population. Nowadays in South Korea, the rate of being the aging society is accelerating further.

참고 자료

DINKS. n.d. 17 11 2013. <tp://preview.britannica.co.kr/bol/topic.asp?article_id=rts02d052>.
Kobaco. 2009. 17 11 2013. <http://www.kobaco.co.kr>.
Kobaco. 1987. 17 11 2013. <http://www.kobaco.co.kr>.
Lee, Young Mi. "It costs over 300 million when you raise a baby." Kook Min Il Bo (2013). 17 11 2013. <http://pann.news.nate.com/info/254545148>.
momplus policy forum. n.d. 17 11 2013. <http://momplus.mw.go.kr/main.do>.
Park , Se Mi. "The world population broke through 7.1billion, the birthrate of South Korea was third upside down." Chosun.com (2013). 17 11 2013. <http://news.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2013/10/31/2013103100988.html>.
Seo, Moon Hee and Shin Young Song. "The real condition of nurturing in South Korea and examples of Foreing countries." The Ministry of Strategy and Finance, the KICCE, 2011. 24 11 2013.
Shin, Dong Gyu. "South Korea, the rate of aging is the best in the world, it needs to prepare relaxing regulations of the related industries and a tax benefits." Digital Times (2013). 21 11 2013. <http://www.dt.co.kr/contents.html?article_no=2013112102019957785009>.
Song, Sung Hun and Young Min Kang. "The result of statistics in 2011 that the couples of working together for a living." 2011. 24 11 2013.
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