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프랑스와 한국 OTA 산업 비교분석(영문)

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36페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 5,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Ⅰ. Table of contents

Ⅱ. List of figures

Ⅲ. List of tables

Ⅳ. List of abbreviations
1. Introduction and objective
1.1 Introduction to the topic
1.2 Objective and structure of the work
2. The history of tourism
3. Nowadays
4. Online tourism development
5. The industry of the Online Travel Agencies (OTA)
6. Online tourism actors: OTA
7. Status quo of French Travelers
8. Development process of Korea tourism market
9. Introduction background of OTA
10. Tourism market and consumer change with OTA emergence
10.1. Growth of OTA
10.2. Change of consumer behavior and OTA market
10.3. Recent trend of OTA
11. Problems of OTA in Korea
12. Example
12.1. The online agency Booking.com
12.2. Egencia, subsidiary of Expedia, specialised in business tourism
12.3. Hana Tour
13. Decision making process of travelers in France, before, during and after
14. Factors that affects the consumer decision making in online
15. Regulations and Rules
16. Conclusion

Ⅴ. Bibliography

Ⅱ. List of figures
Figure 1. History of tourism in France (Bérénice Ballin, 2016)
Figure 2. Online Travel Agencies in the French Market (Phocuswright, 2015)
Figure 3. Out bound traveler of South Korea, 1980~2015 (KTO, 2016)
Figure 4. The number of Internet users (Korea Internet and security agency, 2015)
Figure 5. Percentage of one person household including expectation (KTO, 2014)
Figure 6. Travel type changes (KTO, 2013)
Figure 7. Travel type depending on ages and gender (KTO, 2013)
Figure 8. Sales on OTA in South Korea, 2001~2013 (Statistics Korea, 2013)
Figure 9. FIT sales portion in Hana tour (Shinhaninvest, 2013)
Figure 10. Decision making process for travelers (tnooz.com)

Ⅲ. List of tables
1. Table 1. Percentage of online and mobile sales of major travel agencies in Korea (Criteo, 2015)

Ⅳ. List of abbreviations
1. OTA Online Travel Agency
2. FIT Free Individual Tour
3. KTO Korea Tourism Organization
4. KATA Korea Association of Travel Agents
5. KISA Korea Internet & Security Agency
6. VR Virtual Reality
7. AR Augmented Reality
8. SNS Social Network Service
9. LCC Low-Cost Carrier


The development of Internet and technology changed the behaviour of travellers in tourism industry. People prefer to make travel plan on their own as they can collect travel information easily and share their experience based on internet. To respond to those demand, travel agency started to reduce package travel and provided service for people to book their flight and hotel, they even can select their seat and room on the internet. Online travel agency is targeting young generations who are familiar with Internet and devices and they suggest reasonable price rather than expensive one. These changes in the travel industry are common in France and South Korea. Even though the online travel agency market is growing, they are suffering from a fierce competition recently. Global online travel agencies are entering in Korea tourism market and it is really hard to compete with their aggressive marketing with huge capital. Furthermore, some regulations in Korea applied to domestic travel agency unfairly. Online travel agency in Korea need to establish high quality of online system and provide customized products with reasonable price to survive in this market environment.

참고 자료

Amadeus. (2013). Shaping the future of travel in Korea. Amadeus.
Criteo. (2015). www.criteo.com.
Hotel & Restaurant. (2016, 12). The problems and improvement of OTA.
Jeong Min, R. (2016). Global OTA is encroaching the domestic market. News 1.
Korea Association of Travel Agents. (2015). Korea travel industry report. Korea Association of Travel Agents.
Korea Culture and Tourism Institute. (1997). A research on how to develop for the travel agency industry in Korea.
Korea internet and security agency. (2015). www.kisa.or.kr.
Korea Tourism Organization. (2016). http://kto.visitkorea.or.kr/kor/notice/data/statis/profit.kto.
Retrieved 12 18, 2016, from http://kto.visitkorea.or.kr.
Korea Travel Times. (2014). Online marketing-Unlimitted online market.
Kroea cultrue and tourism institute. (1997). A research on how to develop for the travel agency industry in korea . Kroea cultrue and tourism institute.
News Donga. (2013). Individual travelers are increasing rapidly... It sakes the travel industry.
Seul-Gi Lee, P. (2016, 12). The problem and future of global OTA. Hotel & Restaurant.
Shinhaninvest. (2013). Shinhan INT report.
Statistics Korea. (2013). Online shopping trend survey. Statistics Korea.
The Kroea travel news. (2016). OTA is 'In a war' . The Kroea travel news.
Yuanta securities. (2014). Interpark INT report. Yuanta securities.
Definition Global Distribution System
Definition E-tourism, travel website
Egencia website
Booking.com website, who are we
The evolution of online travel
The OTA duoply: Priceline vs Expedia
Social Media best practices in travel marketing
Taking the travel ecosystem into the design of websites
Travel Agents vs. Online Booking: Tackling the Shortcomings of Nowadays Online Tourism Portals
OTA: More than a distribution channel (PhocusWright)
e-tourisme: comportements d’achat et canaux de vente
5 online marketing trends in travel for 2016
Broken down, how OTAs are eating hotel business
The fight for hotel bookings: direct vs online travel agencies
Top 10 des sites marchands de tourisme
Le tourisme en ligne en France
Panorama de l’hôtellerie en France
Analysis of major OTA
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