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공장설계및실습 과제8.Maximum Flow Problem

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
40페이지/ 한컴오피스
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Ⅰ. Maximum Flow Problem
1. Solution
2. Result

Ⅱ. Knapsack Problem
1. Introduction
2. Branch and Bound Algorithm
3. Solution
4. Result

Ⅲ. Trim Problem: Cutting Stock
1. Excel을 이용한 Solution
2. Algorithm을 이용한 Solution
3. Result

Ⅳ. TP applied to A Production Planning Problem
1. OR을 이용한 Solution
2. Excel을 이용한 Solution
3. Lingo를 이용한 Solution

Ⅴ. Reference


Step 0. Initially let the flow in each arc be zero

Step 1. Find any path from source to sink that has positive flow capacity(in direction flow) for every arc in the path.
If no such path exists, stop.

Step 2. Find the smallest arc capacity K on this path.
Increase the flow in this path by K.

Step 3. For each arc in flow augmenting path, reduce all capacities in the direction of the flow by the amount K, and increase all capacities in the directions opposite flow by K.
Return to step1.


1. Introduction

- Given N items each with known weight and value ,
which items should be included in a knapsack with maximum weight Capacity all, so as to maximize value of the knapsack contents without exceeding its capacity.

- An important special case is the zero-one knapsack problem in which each X is restricted to values of either zero or one. the marginal value of any additional units of an item. after the first is zero you can formulate integer linear programming

참고 자료

LINGO 최적화 모형 / Linus Schrage, 역자 주운기 / 교우사
경영과학 / Hillier , Liberman 역자 김선교, 윤석훈, 이희상 / 지필
알기쉬운 경영과학 / 추휘석 ∙ 김선민 ∙ 송일수 ∙ 이인호 공저 / 형설출판사
선형계획법 네트워크이론 연구 / 박순달 / 교우사
알고리즘의 이해 / 박지연 / 기한재
C++로 배우는 자료구조론 / 주우석 / 한빛미디어
Automation Production Systems & Computer Integrated manufacturing / Mikell P.Groover
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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