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All south Korean male aged 20 or older must carry out their military duties for 18 months. In 2014, private first class Yoon was killed by his senior’s cruel treatment. In the same year, sergeant Im gun fired at his battle buddies. Because he was suffered from military irregularities. In order to settle down military problems, volunteer military system came to the fore. However, volunteer military system is not the answer. This system is out of touch with South Korea reality. Therefore, we should maintain current system, conscription system.

참고 자료

Geo Il, Bok, conscription and volunteer military system, Joongang Ilbo, http://news.joins.com/article/20691870, accessed November 24, 2016
Dent, Harry. The Demographic Cliff, penguin random house LLC, 2014.
Won Sub, Geum, “The hot issue of the ruling party is volunteer military system, pros and cons”, Chosun Ilbo, http://news.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2016/09/08/2016090801567.html?related_all, Accessed December 8, 2016
Dent, Harry. The Demographic Cliff, penguin random house LLC, 2014.
Wook sik, Jeong, “introduction of volunteer military system, is it too early?”, Pressian, http://www.pressian.com/news/article.html?no=119915, Accessed November 15, 2016
Yong Su, Jeong, “ Four assailant admit murder of prive first class Yoon”, Joongang Ilbo, http://news.joins.com/article/17550383, Accessed November 15, 2016
Hyung Jung Kim, “it’s time to start volunteer military system”, general politics, http://www.nocutnews.co.kr/news/42052, Accessed November 15, 2016
Kye Yeon, Kim, “Supreme court sentenced the death penalty to sergeant Im”, Yonhap News, http://www.yonhapnews.co.kr/bulletin/2016/02/19/0200000000AKR20160219103152004.HTML, Accessed November 15, 2016
“The military balance”, international institute for strategic studies (IISS), accessed November 24, 2016, http://www.iiss.org/en/publications/military-s-balance
“Newsquare”, “conscription vs volunteer military system”, Newsquare, http://www.newsquare.kr/issues/1251, Accessed November 16
“military revolution, is volunteer military system solution?”, Joongang Magazine, https://jmagazine.joins.com/monthly/view/303546, Accessed November 22, 2016
Ministry of national defense. “Defense White Paper”, Department of Defense Policy Coordination Policy Division, 2014.
Korean statistical information service, “the number of birth”, http://kosis.kr/statHtml/statHtml.do?orgId=101&tblId=DT_1B8000F&vw_cd=&list_id=&scrId=&seqNo=&lang_mode=ko&obj_var_id=&itm_id=&conn_path=E1#, accessed November 16, 2016
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