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배아줄기세포의 생산, 분석, 조작 (Establishment, characterization and manipulation of embryonic stem cells)

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36페이지/ MS 파워포인트
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


Ⅰ. Establishment of mouse embryonic stem cell
Ⅱ. Establishment of human embryonic stem cell
Ⅲ. Germline chimera
Ⅳ. Characterization of embryonic stem cell
Ⅴ. Genetic manipulation of embryonic stem cell



Ⅰ. Establishment of mouse embryonic stem cell
Mouse embryonic stem cells were first derived in 1981 (Evans MJ and Kaufman MH, Nature, 1981).
Fig. 1. Inter-relationships of cell lines, teratocarcinomas and embryoid bodies with normal mouse embryos. Arrows indicate routes of cell transfer: a, formation of teratocarcinoma by ectopic implantation of embryos; b, formation of embryoid bodies from teratocarcinoma and vice versa; c, derivation of cell culture from embryoid bodies; d, cell culture obtained directly from solid tumours; e, differntiation to embryoid bodies from culture; f, formation of solid tumours on reinjection of cells from culture; g, transfer of embryonal carcinoma cells either from cell culture or from the core of an embryoid body or from a solid tumour back to a blastocyst. All these procedures may result in chimaerism of the resulting mouse; h, the missing link supplied here.

참고 자료

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배아줄기세포의 생산, 분석, 조작 (Establishment, characterization and manipulation of embryonic stem cells)
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