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조류독감에 대해 발표한 피피티 자료입니다.

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.조류독감의 현황, AIV의 구조, 감염경로, 백신 등의 내용이 들어있습니다.


1. Avian influenza of present condition
2. Avian influenza virus of structure
3. Human infection and antigenic variation
4. Treatment of antiviral drug
5. Current vaccines and future developments


2. Avian influenza virus of structure
Influenza virus
-Orthomyxovirus family
-Monoenoic, spiral virus
-A,B,C type by classification

AIV of structure
-A type virus
-Spherical with protuberance
-RNA segment of Eight

<중 략>

Current vaccines and future developments
Killed vaccine
A vaccine that killed the virus
No risk of infection
Short duration of immunity
-Additional Vaccination Required

참고 자료

Maurice R.Hilleman. 2002. Realities and enigmas of human viral influenza:pathogenesis,epidemiology and control. Vaccine. 3068-3087
Alan W. Hampsona, Albert D.M.E. Osterhausb, Yuri Pervikovc and Marie Paule Kieny. 2005. Report of the second meeting on the development of influenza vaccines that induce broad-spectrum and long-lasting immune responses, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 6–7
Sean Adams, Christian Sandrock. 2010. Avian Influenza : Update. Med Princ Pract 19:421-432
Cox NJ, Subbarao K. 1999. Influenza. Lancet. 1277-1282
Chang-Won Lee,Dennis A.Senne and David L.Suarez. 2004. Generation of reassortant influenza vaccines by reverse genetics that allows utilization of a Diva strategy for the control of avian influenza. Vaccine. volume 22, Issues 23-24, 3175-3181
이진화. 독감바이러스의 진화와 조류독감바이러스(The evolution of influenza virus and the avian flu virus). 지역사회 통권 제70호 pp.128-132. 2014.
이미숙. 고병원성 H5N1 조류 인플루엔자 바이러스의 인체 감염(Highly Pathogenic H5N1 Avian Influenza Virus Infection in Humans). J Kyung Hee Univ Med Cent:Vol. 24, No. 2, 2008.
이윤정. 최근 조류인플루엔자 현황과 바이러스 특성(Current status of avian influenza and virus characteristics). 대한인수공통전염병학회 학술발표초록집/2015권/1호
송창선, 권지선, 이현정, 이중복, 박승용, 최인수, 이윤정, 김재홍, 모인필. 조류독감 방제전략. Korean J.Poult.Sci.Vol.31, No.2,129~136, 2004.
Anne Moscona. 2005. Neuraminidase Inhibitors for Influenza. M.D.N Engl J Med 353:1363-1373
Linda C. Lambert, Ph.D., and Anthony S. 2010. Influenza Vaccines for the Future. Fauci, M.D.N Engl J Med 363:2036-2044
Illustration : Chris Bickel/Science. Reprinted with permission from Science Vol. 312, p380. 2006.
Medical News Today, Novavax Reports Positive Pre-Clinical Study Results From Live Virus Challenge To Pandemic Flu Vaccine. May 4, 2007.
WHO. Cumulative number of confirmed human cases of avian influenza A/H5N1) reported to WHO.
WHO. Epidemiology of WHO-confirmed human cases of avian A(H5N1) infection. Jun 30, 2006 WER. 81:249-257, 2006.
Features, Usage and Precautions of Vaccine J. Kor. Soc. Health-Syst. Pharm., Vol. 29, No. 4, 453 ~ 464, 2012.
Kang SM, Pushko P, Bright RA, Smith G, Compans RW. Influenza virus-like particles as pandemic vaccines. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol 2009;333:269-89.
Treanor JJ, Schiff GM, Couch RB, et al. Dose-related safety and immunogenicity of a trivalent baculovirus-expressed influenza-virus hemagglutinin vaccine in elderly adults. J Infect Dis 2006; 193:1223-8.
Kim JH, Jacob J. DNA vaccines against influenza viruses. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol 2009;333:197-210.
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