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Five-star accommodation industry on the Gold Coast

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
24페이지/ MS 워드
가격 5,000원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Introduction

2. industry Description

3. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis (The Task Environment)
1) Threat of New Entrants
2) Bargaining Power of Buyers
3) Threat of Substitutes
4) Bargaining of Suppliers
5) Rivalry among Existing Competitors
6) Conclusion

4. The Broad (Macro) Environment Analysis
1) Political Factors
2) Economic Factors
3) Social/ Cultural Factors
4) Technological Factors
5) Environmental Factors
6) Conclusion

5. Three Strategy Issues and Implications
1) Social Cultural Issues
2) Exchange Rate Issues
3) Competitor Issues

6. Conclusion

7. Reference List

8. Appendix


Executive Summary

This report will analyze the five-star accommodation industry on the Gold Coast to verify whether this industry is attractive to entry or not. It starts with a comprehensible industry description, followed by using the Porter’s five forces analyses for task environment, then using PESTE model for broad environment and at last provides implantations for three main issues in the industry.

There are 8 five-star hotels in gold coast with a wide range of facilities (AAA Tourism, 2012). The target markets of five-star accommodations on the Gold Coast are domestic and international tourists (Tourism Queensland, 2011). The Porter’s Five Forces analysis will prove the five-star hotel industry is profitable due to low threats of new entrant and low threats of substitutes. However, the high bargaining power of suppliers and high threats of three-star hotels on the Gold Coast can be problems affect the developing of the five-star hotels on the Gold Coast.

참고 자료

Alonso, A. D. & Ogle, A. (2010). Tourism and hospitality small and medium enterprises and environmental sustainability. Management Research Review, 33(8), 818-826.
Capo Parrilla, J., Riera Font, A., & Rossello Nadal, J. (2007). Accommodation determinants
of seasonal patterns. Annals of Tourism Research, 34(2), 422-436.
Elliot, G., Rundle-Thiele, S., & Waller, D. (2010). Introduction to marketing. Milton, QLD:
John Wiley & Sons Australia.
Elliot. G, Rundle-Thiele, S & Waller, D. (2010). Markerting. The Marketing Environment and Market Analysis. Australia, 42 McDougall Street, Milton Qld 4064. ISBN: 9780470819654.
Fahey, L. (1999). Competitors: outwitting, outmaneuvering, and outperforming. New York,
USA: Wiley.
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