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미생물 및 생물공학기초실험 6주차: Visualization and Analysis of Functional Gene Networks Using Cytoscape [A+ 리포트]

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연세대학교 2017년 1학기 A+ 받은 리포트입니다.

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1). Network File with Gradient Color
The functional gene network is constructed by nodes (genes) and edges
(functional association). In our experiment, human breast cancer related gene network was established which illustrates the functional correlation between genes (nodes) that are connected (edge) to one another.
Additionally, the expression level of genes between healthy individual (NBSexp) and breast cancer patient (TNBCexp) were compared to provide log2 Fold expression values. The fold change of specific gene,
for example FPR2, can be calculated from log2 (TNBCexp/NBSexp) and hence positive value indicates that FPR2 is more expressed in breast cancer patient. On the other hand, IL 8 is more expressed in healthy individual and hence the log2 Fold expression value is negative. Also, the value that is close to 0 indicates that the gene,
for example MVP expression level is almost equivalent in heathy individual and breast cancer patient.
Therefore, as the intensity of purple color increases (shown in Fig.1) the higher possibility that the gene will be oncogene.

참고 자료

1.BiNGO: A Biological Network Gene Ontology tool. Web. 12 Apr. 2017.
2.Experiment in Microbiology and Biochemical Engineering Laboratory Booklet –
Department of Biotech. Yonsei University.
3."FTP and CVS Downloads." FTP and CVS Downloads | Gene Ontology
Consortium. Web. 12 Apr. 2017. <http://geneontology.org/page/ftp-and-cvs-
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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미생물 및 생물공학기초실험 6주차: Visualization and Analysis of Functional Gene Networks Using Cytoscape [A+ 리포트]
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