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미생물 및 생물공학기초실험 11-12주차: Preparation of Dissolving Needle by DAB and Molding Method [A+ 리포트]

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연세대학교 2017년 1학기 A+ 받은 리포트입니다.

실험관련 topic에 대해 많은 조사를 했기에 이 자료 하나로 충분할거에요.




Dissolving microneedles (DMNs) are biodegradable polymeric or high molecular materials that are solidified in the form of microscopic needle (ten to hundreds of μm-size scale), which can deliver encapsulated medical substances and drugs into the human body with minimal invasive manner.
Thus, DMN technology is an advanced transdermal delivery system that can deliver various active ingredients into the skin by physically penetrating the outermost layer of epidermis known as stratum corneum.
After permeation of DMNs, the microneedles are dissolved to release active ingredients which can be absorbed by the skin tissues. When constructing a DMN,
combination of biodegradable polymer and variety types of active ingredients such as hormones, vaccines, DNA, vitamins, peptides and so on can be encapsulated into the dissolving microneedles.
Finally, there are many advantages in using DMNs such as pain-free, self-application is possible, no need to be refrigerated during distribution process,

참고 자료

Lahiji, Shayan F., Manita Dangol, and Hyungil Jung. "A Patchless Dissolving Microneedle Delivery System Enabling Rapid and Efficient Transdermal Drug Delivery." Nature News. Nature Publishing Group, 21 Jan. 2015. Web. 24 May 2017.
Sabine Zenker / October 14, 2013, Ashraf Badawi / May 29, 2013, and 2016 Press Release / July 6. "PRIME Journal." Microneedling and Its Applications in Dermatology. Web. 24 May 2017.
Stern, edited by Robert (2009). Hyaluronan in cancer biology (1st ed.). San Diego, CA: Academic Press/Elsevier. ISBN 978-0-12-374178-3.
Sullivan, Sean P., Dimitrios G. Koutsonanos, Maria Del Pilar Martin, Jeong Woo Lee, Vladimir Zarnitsyn, Seong-O Choi, Niren Murthy, Richard W. Compans, Ioanna Skountzou, and Mark R. Prausnitz. "Dissolving Polymer Microneedle Patches for Influenza Vaccination." Nature News. Nature Publishing Group, 18 July 2010. Web.24 May 2017.
User, Super. "Hyaluronic Acid : History, Chemical Structure, and Its Benefits for the Body." How Hyaluronic Acid Benefits The Body | Where HA Is In The Body:Joints Skin Eyes. Web. 24 May 2017.
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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미생물 및 생물공학기초실험 11-12주차: Preparation of Dissolving Needle by DAB and Molding Method [A+ 리포트]
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