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국제경영 과제 영어 보고서 네덜란드 A+

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9페이지/ MS 워드
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1. Introduction
2. Background Information about the Netherlands
3. Economic-Industrial Environment
4. Netherland’s Unique Infrastructure
5. Dutch Population Density
6. National Culture of the Netherlands
7. Inherent Risks in Holland
8. Conclusion: My Overall Opinion
9. References


Before I dig into one member called the Netherlands of EU (European Union), I just want let people know that why I picked the country up, of all EU members. There were a lot of reasons when I chose it. For one thing, the Netherlands has some distinctive fortes in economies, political, and culture especially compared with other members of EU or Republic of Korea. So, I was very curious to know more about this nation. Maybe it can be the main reason.
Another reason was that I assumed the Netherlands is flawless country, but through the investigation I finally recognize the real state of affairs in the country has a serious mass of problems. This EU leader’s household debt-to-income has reached the peak, around 283% in 2014. How attractive the nation is for the assignment. Because of these features, I chose it, a member of EU. I want you to know the gap between our imagined impression and a truth about the country. Find out what happens in the member of EU.

참고 자료

“Household Debt, 2014”, OECE Data, Retrieved from https://data.oecd.org/hha/household-debt.htm
“Netherlands Report”, retrieved from The World Factbook, 2016 by CIA https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/resources/the-world-factbook/geos/nl.html
“GDP Per Capita” retrieved from the World Bank Data in 2015, http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.PCAP.CD?year_high_desc=true
“Percentage Distribution of the Population of the Netherlands in 2014, by religion”, Retrieved from the statistics Portal, https://www.statista.com/statistics/519963/population-of-the-netherlands-by-religion/
“De Vries and Van der Woude”, p. 384–385, retrieved from Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_East_India_Company
“2014 Shell Annual Report”, retrieved from
“Port of Rotterdam Statistics 2013” Port of Rotterdam, Retrieved 1 June 2014
“Road Density (km of road per 100 sq. km of land area)”, The World Bank Group in 2014, Retrieved 7 July 2014
“Independent entrepreneurs, VAT on the bill”, retrieved from Amsterdam Information, http://www.amsterdam.info/prostitution/
“Netherlands Report”, retrieved from The World Factbook, 2016 by CIA
“Why the Netherlands is the world’s largest source of FDI”, retrieved from Tax Justice Network, http://www.taxjustice.net/2014/11/10/netherlands-worlds-largest-source-fdi/
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