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  • 아이템매니아 이벤트

국제경영 영어 보고서 나이지리아 A+

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
8페이지/ MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Introduction
2. Background Information about Nigeria
3. Nigeria’s national culture
4. Foreign Direct Investment in Nigeria
5. Infrastructure
6. Cultural risks-Obstacle to growth: Corruption
7. Conclusion: My Overall Opinion
8. References


Before I show you this report, I want you know why I chose Nigeria for my assignment. I thought all the people in nations of Africa live impoverished lives. My opinions about a lot of countries in Africa are nearly always based on stereotypes. I even thought all people there are always starving. With some digging, I realized that my thinking about Africa was actually wrong.
It is not true of everyone in the continent, some countries and people live in an affluent. Especially, Nigeria has been growing very fast due to the increasing production of both oil and non-oil in the country. So, I chose this country to show the gap between our mistaken impression and a true picture of Nigeria society. Compared to South Korea, there are many differences in economies, religion, population, and etc. Let’s take a close look at this country.

Background Information about Nigeria
Nigeria, about four times the size of South Korea, is located in West Africa. Its neighboring countries are Benin, Niger, Cameroon, and Chad. The country is composed of 36 states, and adopted democracy.

참고 자료

Elisabeth Rosenthal, “Nigeria Tested by Rapid Rise in Population”, The New York Times, Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/15/world/africa/in-nigeria-a-preview-of-an-overcrowded-planet.html?_r=0
International Religious Freedom Report, retrieved from The World Fact book, 2011 by CIA
Lauren Markoe, “Nigeria: Five Things To Know About Religious Violence”, Huffington Post, retrieved from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/14/nigeria-religious-violence_n_1672693.html
“Labor Force Statistics, 2010”, Nigerian Bureau of Statistics
“Nigerian Gross Domestic Product Report Q2, 2015”, National Bureau of Statistics
“Top 10 Oil Producing Countries in Africa, Africa ranking, Retrieved from http://www.africaranking.com/top-10-oil-producing-countries-africa/5/
Chidiebere Ogbonna, “Cultural Issues About Doing Business In Nigeria, 2010”
Retrieved from http://www.eos-intelligence.com/perspectives/?p=1103
“The Commission of Inquiry into the administration of Lagos Town Council”, The Storey Report
Adeyemi Olalemi, “10 Biggest Corruption Cases That Shook Nigeria In 2015”, Green News, Retrieved from http://greennews.ng/10-biggest-corruption-cases-that-shook-nigeria-in-2015/
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