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Comparative Study of South Korea-Japan and Taiwan-Japan relations(Comparative Area Studies) - International Studies

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
16페이지/ MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Comparative Area Studies 전공 발표 자료로 한국-일본/대만-일본 과의 국제관계에 대한 연구 내용입니다.


Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. South Korea’s historical background and relation
Chapter 3. Taiwan’s historical background and relation
Chapter 4. Compare Korea-Japan and Taiwan-Japan Attitude
Chapter 5. Conclusion


1. Introduction

Recently, an earthquake struck the eastern part of Japan.
In response to much-needed aid, South Korea and Taiwan have been among the many countries that provided assistance.
Despite this, it appears that there is a growing concern in some parts of South Korea that have viewed aiding Japan with a negative angle, possibly due in part to the dispute over possession of Dok Island and the historical scars that divide the nations.
This phenomenon can be traced to the Japanese colonial rule of Korea.
In contrast, Taiwan keeps aiding Japan despite the Senkaku Island conflict, which is an island that Japan and Taiwan claim as their own territory.
Some people may say that this particular donation and international relationship or attitudes are not related to be compared.
However, according to an article, “It seemed like the two countries were reaching a new phase in their centuries-old relationship - until the Japanese government announced newly approved textbooks for middle school students on March 30.

참고 자료

Komagome, Takeshi, 식민지제국 일본의 문화통합, 역사비평사, 2008
최영호, 한일관계의 흐름, 논형, 2010
아사히신문 취재반, 동아시아를 만든 열가지 사건, 창비, 2008
현대송, The historical perceptions of Korea and Japan : its origins and points of the issues concerning Dokdo-Takeshima, Yasukuni Shrine, comfort women, and textbooks, Nanam, 2008
Grabowski, Richard, Economic development : a regional, institutional, and historical approach, Armonk, N.Y, 2007
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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