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영어 레포트)Marketing strategy - redbull(마케팅 전략 케이스 레포트)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
13페이지/ MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


I. Product Review

II. Background of selection

III. Marketing Strategy Development
A. Target market
B. Marketing mix strategy; four Ps

IV. Test Marketing

V. Factor of Success

VI. Implication – failure in Korean market

VII. Sources


I. Product Review
In 1982, Mateschitz, creator of Red Bull, saw where Thailand were heading in the energy drink market and decided they wanted a piece of the pie. By 1987, Austria proved to be a difficult market for Red Bull to survive in and soon Mateschitz expanded the rest of Germany. After expanding across Europe with a lot of trial and error Red Bull was $12 million in the hole. Rather than scrapping Red Bull as a loss, Mateschitz fired all his staff and hired a marketing firm to help him target nightclubs and students. Buzz marketing became the main focus of Red Bull’s marketing plan, and soon students were pounding campus pavement and driving around in Mini Coopers with a big Red Bull can strapped on top with free samples. His buzz marketing proved to be not only cost effective, but the very thing that gave Red Bull its appeal. Although Red Bull was not welcomed with open arms in all countries, such as France, Denmark and Norway, it was growing and expanding.

참고 자료

KOTRA Global Window - http://www.globalwindow.org


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영어 레포트)Marketing strategy - redbull(마케팅 전략 케이스 레포트)
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