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Test methods as instruments of personnel selection

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
19페이지/ MS 워드
가격 5,500원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Chapter : Recruiting and selecting
1.1 Recruiting process

2. Chapter: Employment testing
2.1 Aptitude and Ability Test
2.2 Intelligence Test

3. Chapter: Intelligence Test Instruments
3.1 Standfort-Binet Intelligence Scale
3.2 Wechsler Intelligence Scale

4. Chapter: Related to job performance
4.1 Intelligence tests and professional success
4.2 Criticism about Intelligence Test

5. Chapter: Personality Test
5.1 Needs of Personality Test in Personnel Selection
5.2 Definition
5.3 The Five Factor Model (FFM)

6. Chapter: Personality Test Instruments
6.1 The Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF)
6.2 Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI)
6.3 Advantages and Disadvantages

7. Chapter: Conclusion



1.1 Recruiting process
In these days, when the focus of most organizations has been on efficiently and effectively running the organization, recruiting the right person for the job is a top priority.
Therefore, a company is trying to use many processes to find the right person for the job of the company and among the many people with different characteristics.
If an organization has been effective in recruiting and selecting employees, one of the best sources of talent is its own employees.
In general, more accurate data are available regarding current employees, thus companies can reduce the possibility of making wrong decisions.
Also, the likelihood of the employee having inaccurate expectations and/or becoming dissatisfied with the organization is reduced when recruiting is done from within.
Another advantage is that recruitment from within can have a significant and positive effect on employee motivation and morale when it creates promotion opportunities or prevents them from layoffs.
However, the internal recruiting also has disadvantages.

참고 자료

Clarence W. Brown and Edwin E. Ghiselli “Some Generalizations Concerning Validity of Aptitude Tests” (1953)
Kevin R. Murphy “Is the Relationship Between Cognitive Ability and Job Performance Stable Over Time?“ (1989)
Wiggins and Pincus “Personality: Structure and Assessment” (1992)
Frank L. Schmidt November 6, 2013 address to Personnel Testing Council Metropolitan Washington (PTCMW) chapter (2013) – add to Frank L. Schmidt and John E. Hunter “The Validity and Utility of Selection Methods in Personnel Psychology: Practical and Theoretical Implications of 85 Years of research findings” (1998) P. 124, 262 – 274
Rüdiger Hossiepand Oliver Mühlhaus “Personalauswahl und –entwicklung mit Persönlichkeitstests“ (2005)
K Aswathappa “Human Resource And Personnel Management” (2005)
Robert Hogan & Joyce Hogan “Hogan Personality Inventory Manual”, 3rd Edition (2007)
Philip Carter “IQ and Aptitude Tests” (2007) P.120-125
Soyoun Park “The Effects of Acculturation and Education Upon Intelligence Test Performances In Korean Americans” (2007) P.4-8, 16-18
James Robert Flynn “What is intelligence?” (2007)
Robert P. Archer, Steven R. Smith “Personality Assessment” (2008)
Heather E.P. Cattell and Alan D. Mead “The Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire(16PF) - The sage handbook of personality theory and assessment” (2008)
John P. Hausknecht “Should Personality Testing Be Part of The Hiring Process?” (2010)
Elbert W. Russell “The Scientific Foundation of Neuropsychological Assessment” (2012) P.93-97
James Flynn “Intelligence and Human Progress: The Story of What was Hidden in our Genes” (2013)
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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