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[영어레포트]APA형식 비교분석 Two Different yet Similar Perspectives of Looking at Security Measures 안보, 보안 대책에 대한 두 가지 관점

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최종 저작일
6페이지/ MS 워드
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Two Different yet Similar Perspectives of Looking at Security Measures
안보, 보안 대책에 대한 두 가지 관점 비교 레포트입니다. 미국 대학교에서 Language수업을 들을 때 과제로 제출한 자료이며, 매우 깔끔하고 논리적으로 작성하였습니다. 이 자료로 A를 받았습니다.(A+없고, 최대 평가가 A였음)
APA 형식에 따라 작성되었습니다.

변호사이자 사회 평론가인 웬디 카미너(Kaminer, W)의 글 Trading Liberty for Illusions와 이코노미스트지에 실린 If Looks Could Kill을 비교하며, 감시카메라나 기계화된 보안 시스템과 같은 미국내 보안정책 (security measures)에 대하여 살펴보는 글입니다.
'Trading Liberty for illusions'와 'If looks could kill' 두 글 모두 미국내 보안정책이 어떻게 단순 허상에 지나지 않는지, 미국인들의 자유와 맞바꾸는 일인지에 대하여 꼬집고 있습니다.




We are living in a transitional time of complex technology.
Various changes have been introduced in our lives, and the rapid speed of such changes is so fast that we cannot even make fair enough judgements about new systems and ideas.
Electronic surveillance system is definitely an example of such phenomenon.
It has taken security management to another level. Convenient and easy, computerized surveillance systems are already commonplace all around our society.
However, did we give them enough thought to be able to determine if they are reliable or not? As can be inferred from the title of the article,
“Trading Liberty for Illusions” the author Wendy Kaminer, who is a lawyer and social critic, insists that we are trading our own freedom and rights for detrimental surveillance systems which are nothing but a mere illusion of security.
Kaminer asserts that the electronic surveillance system is an unreliable system that makes many false positives and errors, and that ill intentions of a person practicing such services can play another part in harming the liberty of the people.

참고 자료

Kaminer, W. (2012). Trading Liberty for Illusions. In Kennedy, W.J. and Kennedy,
M.L. (eds.). Writing in the Disciplines: A Reader and Rhetoric for Academic Writers (7th edition, pp.397-399). Boston: Pearson. (Original work published 2002)
The Economist. (2012). If Looks Could Kill. In Kennedy, W.J. and Kennedy, M.L.
(eds.). Writing in the Disciplines: A Reader and Rhetoric for Academic Writers (7th edition, pp.400-402). Boston: Pearson. (Original work published
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[영어레포트]APA형식 비교분석 Two Different yet Similar Perspectives of Looking at Security Measures 안보, 보안 대책에 대한 두 가지 관점
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