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Bioremediation of Contaminants Continued

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
30페이지/ MS 파워포인트
가격 무료 할인쿠폰받기


1. Strategies for Biological treatment of Industrial wastewater
2. Types of Industrial waste water
3. Biodegradable Wastes
4. Components of industrial waste water
5. Classification of Industrial wastewater
6. Industries generating waste water and their chemical constituents
7. Effect of Industrial wastewater
8. Living things affected by industrial wastewater
9. Conventional Strategies for Waste-water Treatment
10. Novel Bioremediation technology for waste water treatment
11. Bioprocess for waste water treatment
12. Bioreactor for waste water treatment
13. Microbes for Wastewater treatment
14. Sorption and other remediation strategies
15. Waste water treatment by bioremediation techniques
16. Future of waste-water treatment technologies
17. Solid Biodegradable Wastes
18. Types and source
19. Composting & trenching
20. Open Windrow composting
21. Mechanical composting


Living things affected by industrial wastewater
Inorganic salts : N & P in waste water
Floating solid wastes (Oil & greases) → river unsightly & obstruct passage of light
Less photo synthetic activity

Waste water from industries change physical, chemical and biological state of water → temporary or long term effect on organisms
Deplete O2 due to over load of OM → destroy aquatic life
Support pathogenic organisms → water borne diseases
Suspended solid wash on banks or settle → odor

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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Bioremediation of Contaminants Continued
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