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Communication cultures analysis (China)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
7페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


영어로 작성된 레포트입니다.
중국의 문화, 특히 '꽌시'에 대한 분석과 이를 바탕으로 중국 시장의 특징을 설명하고 있습니다.
또한 그루닉의 PR이론과 관련하여 중국의 PR의 특징을 설명하고 있습니다.


1. Public Relations in China

2. China’s Cultures Analysis
1) Quanxi (关系)
2) Huge Media Market

3. Relevant Public Relations Theory
1) Culture
2) Media system


Public Relations in China
If we should choose one country that has the most potential in various field in contemporary world, many people will choose ‘China’. Obviously, China already has developed and is developing constantly. China is called as ‘G2 (Group of 2)’ and as there is an expectation that China will be a G1 by surpassing the United State which is a G1 for a long time, it is certain that China has the potential to continue to grow in the future. The reason why China has received attention from the whole world and has developed are that China has various factors as well as huge territory and population.
We can see and succeed work as much as we know. Therefore, in any country, most people will try to analyze the country’s culture and market first in order to do international public relation practice.

< 중 략 >

This essay will analyze special cultures of China that continues to grow based on Vercic’s public relation theory. Also it will discuss the role of Chinese cultures and what tactics is needed to do public relation in China based on analysis.

참고 자료

Minwen Chen. (2013). Public Relations in China: An Exploration of Cultural Impact on Media Relations Practices, Case Company: Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide, Beijing Office. Department of Communication Aalto University School of Business
Jinseok, K. (2004). ‘꽌시’와 비합리성. Retrieved from http://terms.naver.com/entry.nhn?docId=1394522&cid=42983&categoryId=42983
Hoikyeong, k. (2017, May 14). 사드 진화 나선 문재인 대통령, 대 중국라인 전면에 최측근. Korea Times. Retrieved from http://www.hankookilbo.com/v/80ba4fe7e69245eaa8625232c16abc82
Eunsi. Y. (2017, May 12). 최태원 회장, 일본 이어 중국 行… 글로벌 광폭경영. Seoul Finance. Retrieved from http://www.seoulfn.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=278656
Jeonghoon, A. (2017, January 26). 중국서 '꽌시' 여전히 중요 이젠 그 중심은 민간기업. Maekyung. Retrieved from http://premium.mk.co.kr/view.php?no=17570
Flint, D. (2011, November 15). Guanxi and the art of selling wine in China. ABC Rural. Retrieved from http://www.abc.net.au/site-archive/rural/content/2011/s3367223.htm
Maria, D. (2015, March 16). Three Crucial Factors of Public Relations in China. Edelman. Retrieved from http://www.edelman.com/post/three-crucial-factors-of-public-relations-in-china/
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Lijun, Z., Tao, W., Author, (2014). Social media: A new vehicle for city marketing in China. Cities 37, p29. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Tao_Wang73/publication/259512473_Social_Media_A_New_Vehicle_for_City_Marketing_in_China/links/54e2974d0cf296663796d70d.pdf
Krishnamurty, S., & Dejan, V. (2003). The Global Public Relations Handbook: Theory, Research, and Practice. London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
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Communication cultures analysis (China)
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