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유학생 A+ 영문과제 Leadership of company (회사의 리더십) / References포함

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9페이지/ MS 워드
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믿고 쓰셔도됩니다 ^^
한 회사의 리더십에 관한 조사 보고서 입니다.
이번과제는 A-입니다.


1. Table of Contents
2. Introduction
3. 본문
4. Conclusion
5. References


1. Introduction
Spark is a New Zealand-based communications company, including broadband and mobile. It started business in New Zealand for the first time in 1987, has 18 branches in Auckland in 2017, and has the largest customer base in New Zealand. This report was created by examining the variety of leadership styles and what leadership styles are appropriate for Spark. Also, it was based on servant leadership because it was judged that the Servant leadership was suitable for the spark character.

<중 략>

2. Question1
2.1 The style of leadership related to that perspectives
First of all, I chose Spark because it is the largest telecom company in New Zealand and can apply many different leadership styles. First is servant leadership. The American scholar Robert Greenleaf's theory, which was first suggested in the 1970s, is that the servant who listens to the needs of others is ultimately the leader of all. In other words, servant leadership is a leadership that leads people to show their potential based on human respect.

참고 자료

Greenleaf, R. (1991). The servant as leader ([Rev. ed.). Indianapolis, IN: Robert K. Greenleaf Center.
Gardner, W.L., Cogliser, C.C., Davis, K.M., & Dickens, M.P. (2011). Authentic leadership: A review of the literature and research agenda. Leadership Quarterly, 22, 1120-1145.
Theresa Watts (2008). Business leaders' values and beliefs regarding decision making ethics. Morrisville, NC: LuLu.com. ISBN 9781435747685.
Chemers, M. (1997). An integrative theory of leadership. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers. ISBN 978-0-8058-2679-1
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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유학생 A+ 영문과제 Leadership of company (회사의 리더십) / References포함
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