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[TU Delft] Offshore Wind Farm Design Final Report

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79페이지/ 어도비 PDF
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1. Project Overview 7
1.1 Project Name - Project Anima 7
1.2 General assumption 7
1.3 Project Workflow 7

2. Site Selection 9
2.1 Preliminary consideration for site selection 9
2.1.1 Economic basis 9
2.1.2 Pre-screening criteria 9
2.2 Criteria for site selection 9
2.2.1 Category of criteria 9
2.2.2 Distance to the existing infrastructure 10
2.2.3 Water depth 10
2.2.4 Soil, Wave, Water properties 10
2.2.5 Distance to the closest port 10
2.2.6 Port capacity 10
2.2.7 Mean wind speed (10 years) 10
2.2.8 Habitants e.g. marine creature and bird population 11
2.2.9 Visual pollution 11
2.2.10 Restriction to helicopter transport nearby 12
2.2.11 Shipping lane 12
2.2.12 Data accessibility 12
2.3 Multi-Criteria Analysis 12
2.3.1 Summary of Results 12
2.3.2 Validation of the results 13
2.4 Preferred sites 14
3. Annual Energy Yield Calculation 16
3.1 Environmental Data collection (from ARGOSS) 16
3.2 Turbine Power Curves Data 16
3.3 Correction of the height 17
3.4 Annual Energy Production (AEP) 18
3.5 Capacity Factor 20
3.6 Consideration of Wake Effects 21
3.6.1 Wind rose 21
3.6.2 Consideration of spacing 22
3.6.3 Annual Energy Production per unit area 22

4. Design Load Calculation 24
4.1 Design Wind (50 years, 5 years, Cut-out) 24
4.2 Design Wave (50 years, 5 years) 24
4.3 Design Water Level (50 years) 25
4.4 Design Current (5 years) 26
4.5 Design Load combination 27
5. Natural Frequency Assessment 29
6. BEM (Blade Element/Momentum) 31
6.1 Aerodynamic thrust using TURCAL 31
6.2 Results of Aerodynamic drag calculation 32
7. Hydrodynamic Loads Calculation (Morison’s equation) 35
7.1 Water Depth 35
7.2 Peak period 35
7.3 Marine growth 36
7.4 Load factor 36
7.5 Dtp (outer diameter of the transition piece) 36
7.6 ZTP;bot (elevation bottom transition piece with respect to SWL) 37
7.7 Zmpcone;top & Zmpcone;bot (elevation top and bottom of the conical part of the monopile with respect to SWL) 37
7.8 CD & CM 37
7.9 Result hydrodynamic forces 38
7.10 Directional wave loading 38
8. Foundation stability and stress checks 40
8.1 Stability check 41
8.1.1 Overturning moments (see table 9-1 below) 41
8.1.2 Base shear 41
8.1.3 Required length of the foundation pile 41
8.2 Assessment of Stress-Strain Condition of the monopile 42
8.2.1 Stress check 43
9. Results of preliminary design 44
9.1 Aerodynamic load calculation 44
9.2 Overturning Moment and Shear Forces 44
9.3 Total mass of the support structure 44

10. Wind Farm Layout and Efficiency 45
10.1 Wake model 45
10.2 Procedure of efficiency estimation 45
10.3 Upscale directional wind profiles 45
10.4 Directional weibull distribution - wind rose 47
10.5 Layout and wake loss per spacing 47
10.6 Total farm efficiency (function of spacing) 47
10.7 Wind farm Electrical infrastructure 49
11. Operation and Maintenance (O&M) 51
11.1 Weather downtime 51
11.2 Type of maintenance 51
11.2.1 Corrective Maintenance 51
11.2.2 Scheduled Maintenance 51
11.3 O&M Cost Drivers 52
11.3.1 Distance to shore 52
11.3.2 Weather condition 52
11.4 Condition based monitoring 53
12. Wind Farm Project Management Plan 54
13. Preliminary Economic Assessment 56
13.1 Total investment costs per spacing 57
13.2 Total energy yield and cost effectiveness during life time 57
14. Recommendations 58
15. References 59


This report is intended to fulfil the assignment requirement of OE44120 Offshore Wind Farm Design
2017/2018 Q3 coursework from Maritime, Material and Mechanical Engineering (3mE) Faculty at
Technische Universiteit Delft, the Netherlands.
Within this report the selection of the preferred site (section 2) and of the turbine (section 3) are
discussed. Then extreme load cases are specified and investigated (section 4), which are used for the
aerodynamic (section 6) and hydrodynamic (section 7) loads. With the obtained shear and moment
forces a foundation and stress assessment has been performed (section 8) for the selected turbine.
Next, a general layout is made for the project and the efficiency is calculated using a simplified model
(section 10). Different Operation & Maintenance aspects are viewed in (section 11) and a project
management plan is provided (section 12) that briefly discusses the installation plan. Finally, a
preliminary economic assessment is performed for three different layouts (section 13).

참고 자료

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