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상피하 종양, SET, SMT, 위장관 상피하 종양

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64페이지/ MS 파워포인트
가격 5,000원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Introduction
2. Prevalence
3. SET의 내시경 관찰
4. Normal fiver layers of gastric wall on EUS
5. Subepithelial Lesion of Esophagus
6. Leiomyoma of Esophagus
7. Granular cell tumor of Esophagus
8. Exstrinsic Compression of Esophagus
9. Subepithelial lesion of Stomach
10. GIST of Stomach
11. GIST guideline
12. Carcinoid tumor of Stomach
13. Glomus tumor of Stomach
14. Ectopic Pancreas of Stomach
15. Leiomyoma of Stomach
16. Lipoma of Stomach
17. Inflammotory Fibrinoid Polyp of Stomach
18. Duplication cyst
19. Extrinsic compression
20. Subepithelial Tumor of Duodenum
21. Brunner’s gland hyperplasia


▪ Subepithelial mass lesions (SEML) are frequently encountered at upper endoscopy appearing as a mass, bulge, or impression covered with normal appearing mucosa.
▪ The term subepithelial is favored over submucosal as the masses can arise from outside the gastrointestinal wall or from layers other than the submucosa (lamina propria to muscularis propria).

J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2008 Apr;23(4):556-66

▪ Among 11,712 health examinees, 194 (1.7%) had gastric SET.

Korean J Gastroenterol. 2015 Nov;66(5):274-6

참고 자료

J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2008 Apr;23(4):556-66
Korean J Gastroenterol. 2015 Nov;66(5):274-6
J Gastrointest Surg. 2015 Apr;19(4):631-8
Gastric Cancer. 2016 Jan;19(1):3-14

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