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그렉시트(Grexit) 그리스 유로존 탈퇴에 대한 찬성과 반대 영어 논문

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6페이지/ MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기




The global financial crisis of 2008, in short called the Great Recession, developed on the basis of lax financial regulations in the US. Huge losses on subprime mortgages have caused credit crunch in the market, which has been triggered by a number of macroeconomic and financial market factors, such as overall underestimation of risk, low interest rates that facilitated higher risk taking, loose regulation and many others. Nevertheless, lessons learned in the Great Depression have served as a basis for formation of appropriate policy actions used by governments and central banks in both US and European Union conquer the crisis. The policy responses included cuts in official short-term interest rates, official bailouts of troubled financial institutions, fiscal expansions and fiscal stimulus packages for affected economies to prevent further contagion. Consequently, wide budget spending practices lead to large increases in fiscal debts and corresponding national debts in both the US and most European countries.

참고 자료

M_Makris, 『The case for Greece staying in the Eurozone』, 2012
Aris Trantidis,『Clientelism and Economic Policy: Greece and the Crisis』,2016
Kimberly Amadeo, 『What Is the Greek Debt Crisis?』, 2017
[Yoo-duk Kang,,「The controversy of Grexit as two-level game」, 『Europe Research』, 34-2 (2016), pp.23-58
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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