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강직성 척추염 Ankylosing spondylitis

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
15페이지/ MS 파워포인트
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Introduction Ankylosing spondylitis (AS)
2. Epidemiology
3. Pathology
4. Pathogenesis
5. Clinical Manifestations
6. Laboratory Findings
7. Radiographic FindingsRadiographic Findings
8. Diagnosis
9. Treatment
10. Reference


The initial symptom
Usually dull pain, insidious in onset, felt deep in the lower lumbar or gluteal region
Accompanied by low-back morning stiffness of up to a few hours' duration
Improves with activity and returns following periods of inactivity.
Within a few months of onset
The pain has usually become persistent and bilateral.
Nocturnal exacerbation of pain
Arthritis in the hips and shoulders ("root" joints)
occurs in 25–35% of patients, in many cases early in the disease course.
Arthritis of peripheral joints other than the hips and shoulders,
usually asymmetric, occurs in up to 30% of patients and can occur at any stage of the disease.

<중 략>

Disease progression
can be estimated clinically from loss of height, limitation of chest expansion and spinal flexion, and occiput-to-wall distance.
In industrialized countries,
peripheral arthritis (distal to hips and shoulders) occurs overall in less than half of patients with AS, usually as a late manifestation
Whereas in developing countries,
the prevalence is much higher, with onset typically early in the disease course.
Pregnancy has no consistent effect on AS

참고 자료

Randall L. Braddom Physical medicine & rehabilitation p916-917
Harrison’s Principles of Medicine, 17th Edition
판매자 유형Gold개인인증
의학 전문가로 의학자료, 간호학자료는 원서 및 전문 논문을 참고한 믿을 수 있는 자료들입니다.
자기소개서, 방송통신대, 의/약학
판매자 정보
  • 비공개


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강직성 척추염 Ankylosing spondylitis
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