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통증과 감정 발표 pain & emotion

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
19페이지/ MS 파워포인트
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Objective
2. Introduction to clinical pain
3. Initial assessment of pain
4. Attempts to define pain
5. Evaluating the complaint of the pain
6. Assessment of physical function
7. Memory for pain
8. Dimensions of pain and suffering
9. Multidimensional scaling
10. Pain questionnaires
11. Experimentally induced pain in humans
12. Method of serial exploration
13. Sensory decision theory measure
14. Magnitude estimation


The emotional and psychosocial aspects of pain are often as important as the sensory component
-Evaluation of the sensory and emotional aspects of clinical pain
-Experimentally induced pain
-Neuroanatomic, neurophysiologic, neurohumoral mechanisms of pain and its modulation
-Genetics of pain
-Pharmacologic, surgical, and behavioral treatments

<중 략>

Assessment of physical function
Magee: range of motion, and muscle strength
Keefe and Block: developed objective protocols for assessing pain behavior
-patient engages in a standardized set of activities (standing, sitting, walking, and reclining) that are likely to elicit pain behaviors (guarding, stiff movement, bracing, rubbing, holding, grimacing, and so forth)
Roland and Morris Disability Questionnaire for low back pain
-patients check items describing various everyday activities such as lifting, walking, and dressing
Important to assess the patient’s therapeutic goals
-the gap between present performance and goal should be monitored cotinuously

참고 자료

판매자 유형Gold개인인증
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자기소개서, 방송통신대, 의/약학
판매자 정보
  • 비공개


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통증과 감정 발표 pain &amp; emotion
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2024년 07월 19일 금요일
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