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물리 화학 실험- luminescence lifetime measurement

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13페이지/ 어도비 PDF
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해당 과목 A+ 받은 자료입니다.


1. introduction
2. experimental method
3. result
4. discussion
5. conclusion
6. reference


I. Experimental method
1. absorption scan of reference: UV/Vis absorption spectrometer Put the cuvette that have only solvent (acetonitrile) on the spectrometer.
Wave-scan wavelength range: 300-600nm
2. Obtain the absorption spectra of PtT975/acetonitrile solution before purging. The solution concentration: 3μM
※As the concentration increases, interaction of the same sample will affect the absorbance.
Therefore, the concentration should be lowered when taking absorbance
3. Obtain the absorption spectra of PtT975/acetonitrile solution after purging.
4. Emission scan after purged with fluorometer
Ex: 355, start 400nm stop 700nm, sample concentration 300μM
5. Time domain lifetime measurement with purged sample.
i. Optical setup for the time domain lifetime measurement
ii. Warm the laser up
iii. Operate the ‘QTouch’ program in order to confirm that system status displays on 'Laser ready'. Click flash lamp bottom
iv. Put the purged sample into the sample holder
v. Click the lock icon on the ‘Q-switch’. You can see that the play icon be activated.

참고 자료

Michela Quaranta, indicators for optical oxygen sensors, springer, 2012, doi: [10.1007/s12566-012-0032-y]
Anne marie helmenstine, Understand the difference between fluorescence and phosphorescence,
ThoughtCo, 2017.8.3 https://www.thoughtco.com/fluorescence-versus-phosphorescence-4063769
Martin Hof, quenching fluorescence ppt, Czech technical university.
Hohjai Lee, luminescence lifetime measurement manual,GIST,2018.
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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물리 화학 실험- luminescence lifetime measurement
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