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하이퍼루프 PPT 자료

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
59페이지/ MS 파워포인트
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Introduction
2. History
3. Components
4. Working
5. Safety
6. Economics
7. Conclusion


- 2012년 7월
엘론 머스크, 하이퍼루프의 가능성과 비전 최초로 제시

- 2016년 5월
Hyperloop Pod Design Competition & 1 mile test track 건설

- 2016년 6월
하이퍼루프원, 네바다 사막에서 시속 1100km으로 첫 주행 테스트

- 2016년 7월
하이퍼루프원, 스웨덴 스톡홀름과 핀란드 헬싱키 연결 프로젝트 공개

참고 자료

Hoon Tae Kim(2016), “하이퍼루프, 2020년 안에 실현된다”, ‘POSRI issue report’
서사범(2015), “세계 고속철도의 과거, 현재, 미래 및 당면과제(1)”, ‘Railway Journal’, Vol. 18 No. 1, Pages 88-96
서사범(2015), “세계 고속철도의 과거, 현재, 미래 및 당면과제(2)”, ‘Railway Journal’, Vol. 18 No. 2, Pages 100-106
Arvind Kumar Dubey(2016), “Future Technology and Service Industry: A Case study of Travel and Tourism Industry”, ‘Informatics’, Volume 8, Issue 3
Rachid Eilin 외 4인(2016), “Implementation of the Hyperloop in the U.A.E.”, ‘American University of Sharjah’
Nicholas MCLEAN(2016), “Comparative analysis of the Hyperloop against High Speed Rail for commuting between Sydney, Canberra and Melbourne”, ‘The University of Queensland’
Ahmed E. Hodaib 외 1인(2016), “Conceptional Design of a Hyperloop Capsule with Linear Induction Propulsion System”, ‘International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial, Mechatronic and Manufacturing Engineering’, Vol. 10 No.5
Ellsworth, Joel C(2007), “Devlopment, simulation, and calibration of a flush air data system for a transatmospheric vehicle”, ‘ProQuest Dissertations Publishing’
Dong Hyeon Kim 외 1인(2011), “Experimental Study for the Speed-up of a Super-speed Train Model in the Partial Vacuum Tunnel”, ‘Railway Academic conference symposium’, Pages 2064-2071
Hyeok Bin Kwon 외 4인(2010), “Parametric Study on the Aerodynamic Drag of Ultra High-speed Train in Evacuated Tube - Part 1”, ‘Railway Academic conference symposium’, Pages 44-50
Hyeok Bin Kwon 외 4인(2010), “Parametric Study on the Aerodynamic Drag of Ultra High-speed Train in Evacuated Tube - Part 2”, ‘Railway Academic conference symposium’, Pages 51-57
Uk Jae Lee 외 2인(2004), “Measurement and analysis of Pressure fluctuation by high speed train passing through tunnels in conventional line”, ‘Railway Academic conference symposium’, Pages 31-36
Joo Nam Park 외 3인(2011), “Air-tightness Evaluation of Tube Structures for Super-speed Tube Railway Systems: I. Analytical Modeling and Material Test”, ‘Railway Journal’, Vol. 14 No. 2 Pages 143-150
Joo nam Park 외 1인(2009), “Air-tightness of Vacuum Tube High-Speed Railway System”, ‘Korean Society for Railway’, Pages 967-972
Young Jae Han(2008), “Future Technology Development Direction of High Speed Train”, ‘Korean Society for Railway’, Pages 189-205
Su Yeon Cho 외 5인(2009), “Analysis of eddy current effect on tubular type rail for high-speed maglev train”, ‘Korean Society for Railway’, Pages 1215-1220
Tae Kyung Kim 외 2인(2011), “Aerodynamic characteristics of a tube train”, ‘ELSEVIER’, Volume 99, Issue 12, Pages 1187–1196
Pierre Ricco 외 2인(2007), “Nature of pressure waves induced by a high-speed train travelling through a tunnel”,‘ELSEVIER’, Volume 95, Issue 8, Pages 781–808
Dong Hyeon Kim 외 1인(2011), “Experimental Study for the Speed-up of a Super-speed Train Model in the Partial Vacuum Tunnel”, ‘Railway Academic conference symposium’, Pages 2064-2071
Hyeok Bin Kwon 외 4인(2010), “Parametric Study on the Aerodynamic Drag of Ultra High-speed Train in Evacuated Tube - Part 1”, ‘Railway Academic conference symposium’, Pages 44-50
Hyeok Bin Kwon 외 4인(2010), “Parametric Study on the Aerodynamic Drag of Ultra High-speed Train in Evacuated Tube - Part 2”, ‘Railway Academic conference symposium’, Pages 51-57
Seong Won Nam(2010), “Parametric Study on the Capacity of Vacuum Pump for Tube Structure”, ‘Railway Academic conference symposium’, Pages 516-520
Jeong Tak Kim 외 1인(2017), “A Study on the Propagation Characteristics of EM Wave in the Hyperloop Tube with Various Materials”, ‘한국통신학회’, 동계종합학술발표회
Ljiljana Stosic Mihajlovic 외 1인(2017), “Logistics support as efficient business and transport”, ‘New Technologies, International’, Vol. 5 No 1
M. Ahmed Ali Baig 외 2인(2016), “High Speed Trains: A Review”, ‘Mechanical and Civil Engineering’, Pages 104-109
Kenneth Decker 외 9인(2017), “Conceptual Feasibility Study of the Hyperloop Vehicle for Next-Generation Transport”, ‘NASA Technical Report Center’
Isabella Levin(2017), “All Roads Lead to the Fair: How a 2022 Los Angeles World's Fair Would Accelerate the Implementation of Sustainable and Innovative Forms of Transportation”, Claremont Colleges
Han Wook Cho 외 6인(2010), “Design and Characteristic Analysis of Hybrid-Type Levitation and Propulsion Device for High-Speed Maglev Vehicle”, ‘The transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers’, Pages 715-721
Min Ho Kwak 외 6인(2009), “Numerical Study of Aerodynamic Characteristics of High Speed Train's Tunnel Driving Under Cross Sectional Area Variation”, ‘Railway Academic conference symposium’, Pages 2001-2006
Dijana Jakeli’c 외 1인(2017), “Finite-dimensional representations of hyperloop algebras”, ‘Pacific Journal of Mathematics’, Volume 233 No. 2
Hyeok Bin Kwon(2016), “하이퍼루프는 제5의 교통모드가 될 수 있을까?”, ‘Railway Journal’, Vol. 19 No.5
Yong Jae Lee(2017), “Hyperloop”, ‘월간교통’, Pages 80-81
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