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[물리전자] Solid State Electronic Devices by Ben Streetman (8단원 정리)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
7페이지/ MS 파워포인트
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


1. In regard to the Figure 8-3, explain the differences among 1st, 3nd, and 4th quadrants of the junction of the I-V characteristic in regard to the biasing direction and current flow.
2. In regard to the Figure 8-3, list the applications of each quadrant of the junction of the I-V characteristic.
3. The fill factor (ImVm / IscVoc) is a figure of merit for solar cell design. Please explain why?
4. Why p-i-n structure is preferred for the photodetector applications? Please explain it in terms of the figure of merit for photodetector design.
5. Why is there so much interest in short wavelength emitters such as a blue LED?
6. In the Rayleigh scattering, why the attenuation [α] decreases with the increasing wavelength [λ]?
7. In the Rayleigh scattering, why 1.3 and 1.55 μm are preferred in fiber topical communication?
8. Please explain the difference between the spontaneous & stimulated emission.
9. What are the two requirements to be met if the photon density is to build up for the stimulated emission through a predominance of stimulated emission over both spontaneous emission and absorption? Please explain them with equations and words.
10. In a heterojunction lasers in Fig. Fig. 8-23, what is the purpose of the wider band gap of AlGaAs layer


Figure. 8-3 illustrates, power is delivered to the device from the external circuit.
In the fourth quadrant, however, the junction voltage is positive and the current is negative. In this case power is delivered from the junction to the external circuit.
The advantage of using a PIN structure over conventional semiconductor p–n junction is the better long wavelength response of the former.

참고 자료

Solid State Electronic Devices by Ben Streetman (7ed)
판매자 유형Gold개인인증


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[물리전자] Solid State Electronic Devices by Ben Streetman (8단원 정리)
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