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가상회사 설립 영어 리포트, Shark Tank Project English Report

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
30페이지/ 압축파일
가격 5,500원 할인쿠폰받기


가상 제품과 회사를 만들어 제출한 레포트입니다.
레포트와 프레젠테이션이 포함되어있습니다.
The company, named Vita Aqua, was founded by five people to help provide enough water for human health and social prosperity. The company makes products with water in the jelly for growing children.
It provides delicious water for young children who do not like drinking water.
The name of our product is Rainbow Water and it has a variety of colors.


1. Executive summary

2. Company Summary
2.1 Background
2.2 About Us
2.3 Mission Statement
2.4 Objectives

3. Products and Services
3.1 What is Rainbow Water?
3.2 How does Rainbow Water work?
3.3 What are the ingredients of Rainbow Water?
3.4 What is Rainbow Water’s price?
3.5 Competitive Advantages

4. Market Analysis Summary
4.1 Market Segmentation
4.2 Target Market Segment Strategy
4.3 Market Trends
4.4 Market Growth
4.5 Market Need
4.6 Main Competitors

5. Strategy and Implementation Summary
5.1 Product
5.2 Price
5.3 Promotion
5.4 Place

6. Operational Plan
6-1. Location of company
6-2. Permits and licensing
6-3. Risk management

7. Financial Plan
7.1. Funds structure
7.2. Investment details
7.3. Budget and profit forecasting


1. Executive summary
The company, named Vita Aqua, was founded by five people to help provide enough water for human health and social prosperity. Our company makes products with water in the jelly for growing children. It provides delicious water for young children who do not like drinking water. The name of our product is Rainbow Water and it has a variety of colors. Our company is located in MarkHam, which is relatively cheap. The price of Rainbow Water will be CAD $3.25 per package (500 grams). For 20g/ball, total 25 balls/package. Our company sell Rainbow water the 10 Best Grocery Stores in the water section in Toronto. The product will advertise through radio broadcasts on weekdays, when parents are supposed to go to work.

참고 자료

Government of Canada. (2016) Stay hydrated with water. Government of Canada. Retrieved from https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/canada-food-guide/tips-healthy-eating/stay-hydrated-with-water.html?wbdisable=true
Hotton, E. (2016, June 24). Why ban the bottle? University of Toronto. Retrieved
from https://ueat.utoronto.ca/why-ban-the-bottle/
Longpré, J. P., & Lapointe, J. Y. (2011, Jan 5). Determination of the Na+/glucose
cotransporter (SGLT1) turnover rate using the ion-trap technique. US National
Library of Medicine. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/
Mordor Intelligence. (2018, October). Bottled water market - global trends, competitive scenario and forecast to 2024. Mordor Intelligence. Retrieved from https://www.mordorintelligence.com/industry-reports/bottled-water-market?gclid=CjwKCAiAsoviBRAoEiwATm8OYLXHTBiLEcJB0LkomQ97iJFUnlG47pSFabXkPWaXKBR9lCJsZBsLiRoCHywQAvD_BwE
Motto, L. (n.d.). Hydration science: understanding dehydration. Hydralyte. Retrieved from
Schneider, D. (n.d.). Marketing mix: the 4P strategy of a product. Ninja Outreach. Retrieved
from https://ninjaoutreach.com/marketing-mix-4p-strategy/
Ontario Ministry of Finance. (2017). Ontario population projections update, 2017–2041. Government of Canada. Retrieved from https://www.fin.gov.on.ca/en/economy/demographics/projections/#s3d
Raising the Village. (n.d.). Demographics. Retrieved from https://raisingthevillage.ca/demographics/
Phillips, F. (2018, July 11). How much water should your child drink a day? BBC. Retrieved
from https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/howto/guide/how-much-water-should-my-
“Radio in Canada - Statistics & Facts, ” (2014). Statista. Retrieved from https://www.statista
Statistics Canada, (2016) Census Profile, 2016 Census. Government of Canada. Retrieved from https://www12.statcan.gc.ca/census-recensement/2016/dp-pd/prof/details/page.cfm Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=3520005&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Toronto&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&TABID=1
Water, water everywhere. (2014, April 15). Water, water everywhere. The World Counts. Retrieved from
Y. Bensadon. (2018, June 18). Bottled water vs tap water in Canada tap & water.
Retrieved from https://tappwater.co/us/tap-and-bottled-water-in-canada/
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가상회사 설립 영어 리포트, Shark Tank Project English Report
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