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우즈베키스탄 코튼과 사회, 경제, 환경 문제의 관련/해결 영문 프레젠테이션. Sustainability-Uzbekistan (Cotton) English Presentation

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
50페이지/ MS 파워포인트
가격 4,000원 할인쿠폰받기


우즈베키스탄 코튼 제조과정에 관련된 사회, 경제 그리고 환경적 문제의 관련/해결 영문 프레젠테이션입니다.
Sustainable Issues From Uzbekistan’s Cotton Culture


1. Introduction
2. Extraction
3. Production
4. Distribution


Sustainability of Uzbekistan Cotton
1. Introduction
“Where does this piece of clothing come from?”

What is cotton?
1) Flower bud
2) Flower
3) Developing seed pod
4) Seed pod dries and open

Cotton can be used to produce:
- T-shirts
- Underwear
- Socks
- Bed sheets
- Towels
- Pants
- Swab
- etc.

<중 략>

Where in the world is Uzbekistan?
- Central Asia
- Former Republic from USSR
- Declared independence in 1991
- Capital: Tashkent
- Language: Uzbek
- Population: 32,639,242

참고 자료

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Air, sound pollution intolerable in Ctg. (2014, July 06). Retrieved from The Daily Star website, https://www.thedailystar.net/air-sound-pollution-intolerable-in-ctg-32003
Amin, F. (2015, March 24). Water pollution of most of the water sources in Bangladesh. Fair. Retrieved from http://fairbd.net/water-pollution-of-most-of-the-water-sources-in-bangladesh/
Arefin, A. and Mallik A. (2017, December). Sources and causes of water pollution in Bangladesh: A technical overview. Bibechana. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/321866297_Sources_and_causes_of_water_pollution_in_Bangladesh_A_technical_overview
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Dastidar, P. (2017, November 20). Chittagong Port problems: Points to ponder. Financial
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Doward, J. (2012, December 15). H&M comes under pressure to act on child-labour cotton. The Guardian. Retrieved from https://www.theguardian.com/business/2012/dec/15/
Export Trade in Bangladesh. (n.d). Business Daily 24. Retrieved from https://business
Forced Labor in Uzbekistan’s Cotton Fields Was Present in 2018 Harvest. (2019, January 15). Retrieved from Cotton Campaign website, http://www.cottoncampaign.org/harvest-2018/forced-labor-in-uzbekistans-cotton-fields-was-present-in-2018-harvest
Guilbert, K. (2018, November 23). Campaigners challenge U.N. over forced labor in Uzbekistan’s cotton industry. Reuters. Retrieved from https://www.reuters.com/article/us-uzbekistan-labour-workers/campaigners-challenge-un-over-forced-labor-in-uzbekistans-cotton-industry-idUSKCN1NS1S6
Gunseli, V. (2009, January). Bangladesh's Ready-Made Garments Sector: Exports,
Employment, and Working Conditions. ResearchGate. Retrieved from
Nazmul, M. (2018, July 13). Limitations of foreign trade in Bangladesh. BDTIPS. Retrieved from http://www.bdtips.com/limitations-problems-foreign-trade-bangladesh/
Rationalization of Bangladesh cotton import. (2017, August 26). TextileToday. Retrieved
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Seven Children Wrongly Vaccinated While Nurse Is Sent To Pick Cotton. (2018, December 12). Retrieved from Uzbek-German Forum for Human Rights website, http://uzbekgermanforum.org/seven-children-wrongly-vaccinated-while-nurse-is-sent-to-pick-cotton/
Spring Cotton Fieldwork. (2018, September). Retrieved from Cotton Campaign website, http://www.cottoncampaign.org/uploads/3/9/4/7/39474145/ugf-spring-cotton-fieldwork-2018.pdf
Textile Industries In Bangladesh: A Rising Environmental Degradation Down The Drains.
(2018, Jan 01). TextileToday. Retrieved from https://www.textiletoday.com.bd/
The Curse of Cotton: Central Asia’s Destructive Monoculture. (2005, February 28). Retrieved from Cotton Campaign website, http://www.cottoncampaign.org/uploads/3/9/4/7/39474145/curse_of_cotton_central_asias_destructive_monoculture.pdf
Universal Declaration of Human Rights. (1948, December 10). Retrieved from United Nations website, http://www.un.org/en/universal-declaration-human-rights/
Uzbekistan: Geography and History. (n.d.) Retrieved from Encyclopedia Britannica website, https://www.britannica.com/place/Uzbekistan#ref73628
Uzbekistan Cotton and Products Update. (2018, November 26). Gain. Retrieved from
Uzbekistan Cotton Annual Report 2018. (2018, Apr 1).Gain. Retrieved from
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우즈베키스탄 코튼과 사회, 경제, 환경 문제의 관련/해결 영문 프레젠테이션. Sustainability-Uzbekistan (Cotton) English Presentation
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