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홍익대 서비스 마케팅 기업 분석 보고서(영어수업)

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홍익대 서비스마케팅 기업 분석 - 망고 플레이트

리서치페이퍼 점수로는 상위 4등 했어요~
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2.Demographic characteristics
3.Psychographic characteristics
4.Gap model
Gap 1 – strengths/weaknesses
Gap 2 – strengths/weaknesses
Gap 3 – strengths/weaknesses
Gap 4 – strengths/weaknesses


There are so many kinds of restaurants in the world, and people want to find a nice restaurant which is called ‘Majib ’. As a representative, the Michelin Guide, a premium restaurant guidebook that began in 1926, has been recognized worldwide and has attracted many visitors to Michelin star restaurants. According to a study by Min Jisuk (2017), consumers are perceiving Michelin restaurants as "high-quality, new foods made by high-end star chefs." In this way, information about restaurants that sell delicious food has been transmitted in the form of guidebooks, and now a days, it is transmitted through smartphone apps with social network. And there is an example that is called 'Mango plate.’ Mango plate, a service company started in April 2013, is an application which offers the information of 200,000 nice restaurants in Korea. Starting with sharing their own favorite restaurant, the founders have grown their own businesses into No.1 in same industry. Number of app downloads was 300,000

참고 자료

App Ape Lab. (2016). [O2O trend analysis of mobile market] A side of dish#3 – Mango plate. Retrieved from https://ko.lab.appa.pe/2016-08/com-mangoplate.html
App Ape Lab. (2016). [Mobile application analysis of App Ape] What is the Four Great Powers of the Japanese Food recommendation app?. Retrieved from
Chatterjee P. (2001). Online review: Do consumers use them?. Advances in Consumer Research. 28:129-133.
Jo Kim. (2017). ' Find out the nearby restaurants ', Partnership between Samsung Bixby-Mango plate. Ksvalley. Retrieved from http://ksvalley.com/news/article.html?no=3777
Kim Jae-Joong⋅Lee, Ae-Joo. (2017). A Study on the Effect of Consumption Value with Planned Behavior Theory on Purchase Intention of the consumers of the Michelin-starred Restaurant in Seoul. FoodService Industry Journal, 13(3), 171~190.
Kim Yoosung. (2017). " When do you want to find a restaurant? " One out of every five adults uses the majib application. Edaily. Retrieved from
Lee Gwang-jae. (2017). Facebook support values, “What do you want, what do you need”. Interface news. Retrieved from http://www.internews.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=12218
Lee Je Nam. (2017). 80 % of the workers experience " Decisive Disorder " …The biggest difficulty is, ' What to eat for lunch? '. Chosunilbo. Retrieved from
Lee Shin-woo, Jeon Hyeon-mo. (2016). Influence of Big Data Based Majib Apps` Service Quality on Use Satisfaction and Reuse Intention of Majib Apps - Moderating Effect of Review Informativity -. Culinary Society of Korea, 22(5), 64-81.
Min Jaeyong. (2017). 200,000 national restaurants information in one hand ∙∙∙ " We have to go overseas”. Hankookilbo. Retrieved from
Min Jisuk. (2017). The influence of the service quality of Michelin restaurant on perceived value, customer satisfaction, and behavioral intention (Masters dissertation). Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea.
Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong. (2015). Marketing strategies of Kolter (15th ed.). Seoul, Sigmapress.
Sohn Jeong-Ki. (2013). A Study on Effects of Service Quality of Smartphone Application on User Satisfaction and Reuse Intention: A Focus on the User of 'Majib' Application (Masters dissertation). Catholic University of Daegu, Daegu, Korea.
Sohn Jeong-Ki, Park Young-A. (2013). A Study on Effects of Service Quality and Usage Review of Smartphone 'Majib' Application on User Satisfaction and Reuse Intention. Journal of Marketing Studies, 21(3), 1~26.
Yoo Woo Seung. (2012). The Effects of Perceived Attributes on the Purchase Intention of Restaurant Application (Masters dissertation). Sejong University, Sejong, Korea.
Zeithmal, Bitner, Gremler. (2013). Services marketing (6th ed.). Seoul, Chung Ram
<Drawing 1>
App Ape (2016). MAU of ‘Majip’ applications. Retrieved from https://ko.lab.appa.pe/2016-08/com-mangoplate.html
<Drawing 2>
App Ape (2016). Age & gender ratio of users. Retrieved from
<Drawing 3>
App Ape (2016). Downloaded Applications by who use Mango plate. Retrieved from
<Drawing 4>
Retrieved from
<Drawing 5>
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App Ape (2016). Decrease of new user. Retrieved from
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