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[English] 해외 외국 MBA 레포트 논문 조직행동 감성지능 채용 Organizational Behavior : Human resource, Emotional Intelligence, Recruitment, Hiring employees, HRD

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
8페이지/ MS 워드
가격 9,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Emotional Intelligence is our ability to identify and manage our own emotions and to understand and influence other people’s emotions. These qualities provide us with the ability to build better relationships, manage difficult emotions, increase creativity and innovation, and lead others effectively.
People are hired by organisations because of where they went to college, the test scores and
grades achieved, their technical skills and certifications, not because they are effective team
players or can get along with others. Being smart is not just all about intellectual, and companies are increasing interested in job applicants who display emotional intelligence (EI). The challenge facing organisations is how to hire employees with high emotional intelligence.
Critically review any FIVE (5) challenges confronting managers in hiring employees with high
emotional intelligence from the workplace in your home country. Suggest solutions on how to
overcome the FIVE (5) challenges stated. Support your arguments with relevant facts and




The key to business operations has get attention from the whole host of companies’ owners and managers. It is not long ago that companies realized that human resources management is the core of business operation. They have been researching constantly what aspects of human resources should be evaluated and managed when it comes to the whole business management. In the past, it was more likely to focus on evaluating job ability according to the task of the position and job duty. Meanwhile, emotional intelligence is recently mentioned in terms of evaluation of human resources as the constant interaction with colleagues and clients is the basis that has a great influence on teamwork, customer management and profits.

My understanding in terms of emotional intelligence has given me how the method of evaluation of emotional intelligence can be specialized assuming a national culture and a certain corporate. Specifically, Samsung, which is a Korean multinational conglomerate comprises numerous affiliated businesses, most of them united under the Samsung brand.

참고 자료

Stephen P. Robbins, Timothy A. Judge, “Essentials of organizational behaviour”, pp.182
F. I. Greenstein, “The Presidential Difference: Leadership Style from FDR to Clinton”
Barkha Rawat, “To study and analyse the recruitment & selection process with respect to benchmarking”
Pranav Kharbanda and Jyoti Sapramadan, “Emotional Intelligence in Recruitment and Selection”
L. M. J. Spencer, D.C MacClelland, and S.Kelner, “Competency Assessment Methods: History and State of the Art”
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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[English] 해외 외국 MBA 레포트 논문 조직행동 감성지능 채용 Organizational Behavior : Human resource, Emotional Intelligence, Recruitment, Hiring employees, HRD
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