• 통큰쿠폰이벤트-통합

[English] 2000자 해외 외국 MBA 레포트 논문 조직행동 감성지능 채용 실제 기업 케이스 삼성 Organizational Behavior : Human resource, Emotional Intelligence, Recruitment, Hiring employees, HRD

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
8페이지/ MS 워드
가격 9,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Your knowledge, skills, and abilities determine how well you do in the workplace – and your job attitudes matter too. Job satisfaction, job involvement, employee engagement, organisational commitment and perceived organisational support all affect how you, your coworkers, and your boss behave and perform in the workplace. First, the job attitudes of your work unit also affect the bottom line – attitudes affect customer service and sales performance. Second, job attitudes and satisfaction can be assessed in a variety of ways to keep a “pulse” on the workforce of your organisation. Third, knowledge of what causes job attitudes and the consequences/outcomes of job attitudes can help you set policies, practices, and procedures (when you are in a supervisory position) or engage in behaviours (if you are an employee) that will help you improve attitudes in your workplace.
1)Critical review on psychological factors affecting job attitudes of employees:
Specifically identify and review TWO (2) of the individual-related psychological issues that will affect employees’ job attitudes within your organisation. Critically analyse the specific psychological issues that affect your employee’s job attitudes, you must apply the relevant concepts and theories from the journals and textbook to support your arguments. Use these concepts to study, understand and explain the issues you are focused on.
2) Recommendations: Upon your evaluation on the above issues, you are required to apply such knowledge and propose some relevant management strategies for improving the job attitudes of the employees in your organisation. For instance, how would you reward your employees in order to motivate them in the workplace? How would you shape your employees attitude and satisfaction on work? Support your arguments with relevant facts and literature.




Job satisfaction is very important and essential in organizational behaviours. This is because job satisfaction is not only a personal satisfaction that the employees personally feels in work about their workplace but also an indicator to predict work performances or to prevent any conflicts and issues in advance that may happen in the future through the behaviours and attitudes of members in the organization. Therefore, managers should be aware of the necessity that the job attitudes of the employees should be directed toward positive results and job satisfaction in order to increase job satisfaction,
While most developed countries show high job satisfaction, Korean job satisfaction is lower. Samsung, which leads the working culture and changes in Korea, is also have a concern about this negative results in the index which shows the employees do not eager to work with accurate motivation or vision.

참고 자료

See S. Sutton, “Predicting and Explaining Intentions and Behavior: How Well Are We Doing?”, pp.1,317-38; and I. Ajzen, “Nature and Operation of Attitudes”; and C.Zahn-Waxler, “Annual Review of Psychology, vol.52”, pp.27-58
Stephen P. Robbins, Timothy A. Judge, “Essentials of organizational behaviour”, pp.31-49
E. Graham, “Work May Be a Rat Race, but It’s not a Daily Grind”, p.R1; and K. Bowman, “Attitudes About Work, Chores, and Leisure in America”
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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탑툰 이벤트
[English] 2000자 해외 외국 MBA 레포트 논문 조직행동 감성지능 채용 실제 기업 케이스 삼성 Organizational Behavior : Human resource, Emotional Intelligence, Recruitment, Hiring employees, HRD
  • 유니스터디 이벤트
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