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고려대학교 심리학의이해 레포트

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11페이지/ MS 워드
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I. Introduction

II. Body
1. First period : Advent of Artificial Intelligence in films
2. Second Period : Development of Artificial Intelligence in films
3. Third Period : Changes of Artificial Intelligence in films

III. Conclusion
1. Process of developments of Artificial Intelligence in films
2. Limitations of descriptions of Artificial Intelligence in films


I. Introduction

Today Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no more of an empty dream. Early this year at the World Economic Forum, the 4th Industrial Revolution is declared to be just around the corner. It implies that the mobile internet, mobile area network, machine learning as well as utilization of AI is going to prevail the whole society including everyone's daily life. For sure the Go math between Alphago and Lee Sedol demonstrates that AI is comparable with human intelligence, if not a cut above it.
Thus it is without doubt that we, the people who are living in the transitional stage toward the epoch of coexistence with AI, define the meaning and effect of AI and think of the ways to adopt it fruitfully to our daily lives. No more can the modern society disregard the growing influence of AI; it not only dominates medical, educational, financial or any other professional fields but also seeps into thoughts of the people toward the future and development of society corresponding to the development of AI itself.

참고 자료

Christian, B., (2011) Most Human Human: What Talking with Computers Teaches Us About What It Means to Be Alive, NY:Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group,
Crevier, D., (1993). AI: The Tumultuous Search for Artificial Intelligence, NY: BasicBooks,
Ejiri, M., (1995) "Towards Meaningful Robotics for the Future," Proceedings of the International Workshop on Biorobotics: Human-Robot Symbiosis
Engelhart, K.G., and Edwards, R.A. (1992). Human-robot integration for service robotics. In Rahimi, M. & Karwowski (eds.) Human-Robot Interaction. London: Taylor & Francis Ltd.
Franklin, D., & Kahn, R. E., & Swain, M.J., & Firby, R.J., (1996). Happy Patrons make better Tippers Creating a Robot Waiter Using Reverses and the Animate Agent Architecture. In International Conference on Gesture and Face Recognition.
Khan, Z., (1998). Attitudes towards intelligent service robots. Interaction and Presentation Laboratory (IPLab)
Lang, F. (2015). Discussion Guide for METROPOLIS, Chicago: The Great Books Foundation
Malitz, D. (2013). Spike Jonze talks what’s real and what’s a relationship with ‘Her’. The Washington Post 20 December 2013
Nilsson, N., (2009). The Quest for Artificial Intelligence: A History of Ideas and Achievements. NY: Cambridge University Press
Pichard, R., (2001) Building HAL: computers that sense, recognize, and respond to human emotion, Human Vision and Electronic Imaging
Terminator 2: Judgment Day. 2009. Directed by James Cameron
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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2024년 07월 20일 토요일
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